CBD Oil for DogsDog Lovers

What You Need To Know About Using CBD For Your Pets

CBD, also referred to as cannabidiol, for pets is now considered legal in different parts of the globe. It’s available as capsules, treats, and, oftentimes, sold in a form of oil, which can be easily mixed with your pet’s food.

cbd for pet

Pet-related CBD items make up a portion of the booming industry of cannabis, and it continues to grow as more pet owners are considering the use of CBD for their animal companions.

However, it’s important to note that there’s a difference between CBD oil for pets and humans, and you should always consult your vet before you decide to use it.

What Is CBD For Pets?

CBD is one of the compounds in cannabis plants. Another popular compound in the same plant is THC, which causes psychoactive effects, like changes in behavior, mood, or perception.

In comparison, CBD won’t get you high and is legal in several states. CBD manufacturers and sellers, however, are still subject to stringent regulations by the government. In particular, the products should be derived from hemp plants, which are cannabis plants grown by licensed growers in accordance with associated and federal state laws, and contain less than 0.3% THC.

CBD And Its Benefits For Pets

CBD is widely used for managing seizures, low appetite, and pain in humans. However, there are things that are good for humans that aren’t suitable for pets. But CBD for pets may help provide pain relief from arthritis, glaucoma, seizures, and skin diseases.

While the research may still be in the early stages, there are some signs that the benefits humans can experience may also be enjoyed by pets–there’s anecdotal evidence that shows CBD may be helpful to cats that suffer from joint pain and anxiety. Nevertheless, it’s still best to proceed with caution once you use CBD for pets, like cats.

How To Use CBD For Pets

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CBD for pets comes in various forms, making it easy to administer. The best form of CBD products is oil. Usually, CBD oil products come with a dropper, which lets you feed it directly to your pet. As mentioned above, you may also just mix the oil with your pet’s food.

Usually, CBD oil for pets doesn’t have any flavor, which most pets don’t like, but once they’re mixed with their food, it becomes tasty.

There are also CBD treats that you may give to your pets. For skin problems or joint pain, you may also consider CBD in a form of cream, lotion, and salve, which may be administered directly on the affected areas to speed up the healing process. Just make sure to follow the directions provided on the label and read the warnings before you proceed.

When Not To Give CBD To Your Pets?

Once you notice signs of distress from your pets due to CBD, stop it immediately and take your pet to the nearest vet clinic if you think the problem is dire. Hence, after giving CBD, watch for any drug interactions with some medications your pets might be taking.

The side effects that you might see include lower blood pressure, dry mouth, or drowsiness. If such side effects are serious and affecting your pet’s quality of life, discuss everything with your vet at the earliest date.

Choose High-Quality CBD For Pets

As a pet owner, you must always be aware of quality control. Since the CBD market isn’t well-regulated yet, not all CBD products are created equal. So, do your research and see to it that you’re giving your pets the highest quality CBD products in the market. Here is a trusted website that provides the best quality CBD oil for dogs.

There are several things you should keep in mind when shopping for CBD products. If you want to use a quality CBD product for pets, look for something that’s organic. If your CBD product isn’t organic, it may contain fungicides, solvents, or pesticides that may negatively affect your pet’s health.

Another thing to remember is not to focus on the price. Higher purity and quality are typically associated with a pricier cost. Cheaper options might contain toxic substances like heavy metals.

Aside from the price, you must also check if the manufacturer has certifications to produce such products and determine if their CBD products are tested in laboratories so your pet can enjoy the benefits of CBD.


In terms of your pet’s health, you want to ensure that they’re getting the best possible care they need. This means working with your vet to find treatments that would work best for your pets. 

Before you consider CBD for pets, you must consult your vet to know if CBD is right for what your pet needs. Do note that once used properly, CBD may have some benefits for your pets.

Richard Hayes

Hey there! Meet Richard Hayes, the big boss and marketing guru behind Pet Dog Planet. He's been a total doggo fanatic since forever and loves all kinds of pups, from tiny teacup Chihuahuas to big, burly Bulldogs. His absolute favorite pastime? Snuggling with adorable puppies—he can't get enough of those cute little faces! Plus, he's totally into iced coffee, chilling in hammocks, and, of course, more puppy cuddling!

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