Dog Breeds

What is a Pug? Information, Pictures, Characteristics & Facts

Stupid question right? It’s a breed of dog!

Well hold on. This is a question we hear asked a lot, and if you dig a little deeper, and go below the surface, there is a lot to say about just what is a Pug.

We are gonna tell you everything you need to know about the Pug, from their history, to their perfect conformation, to just what it is like to live with a Pug. Are you ready for these useful Pug facts?

Where does the pug come from? & What makes the Pug so different from other breeds?

Many think the Pug is a modern crossbreed. Think again! It’s actually one of the oldest dogs around.

As far back as 400 B.C there are records of the Pug breed, from ancient Asian scrolls. Buddhist monks in Tibet were the first people known to keep Pugs as pets, and soon the breed spread across Asia. It’s hard to say what breeds they originated from, but the most generally accepted is that they are a smooth-coated, longer-legged type of Pekingese, hence their unique look.

The dog breed was popular with ancient Chinese ruling families. Chinese emperors, in particular, considered Pugs as their companions.

Sometime in the 1500s, when Europe began trading with Asia, the Pug found its way to Holland, and soon became popular all over Europe, and was still popular with royalty. Mary II and William III brought their Pug from the Netherlands when then ascended the throne of England.

Pugs were introduced in the U.S. in the 19th century. Unlike in Europe where they were mainly kept by the upper classes, they proved popular with ordinary, working Americans. The breed was accredited by the American Kennel Club in 1885, while it wasn’t until 1918 that is was recognized by the Kennel Club in Britain.

What is the perfect Pug conformation?

Height: 25 – 33 cms

Weight: 6-8 kgs

It’s not the first word you would think of for a Pug but their conformation must be strong, with straight legs, a head large and round/prominent eyes. Finally, they should have a wide chest with a cute, curly tail.

What different color Pugs are there?

The two most common colors are fawn and black. You will especially see fawn colored Pugs everywhere. But there are others.

Silver and apricot can also be seen with this breed, and while not standard colors according to the Kennel Club, these colors are indeed recognized by the FCI and other kennel clubs.

One new favorite is the brindle Pug, which is becoming more common. And once in a blue moon, you will even come across a white Pug!

What is the Pug temperament like?

The Pug is a famously laid back, relaxed dog that loves to nap. But they will have short bursts of energy during the day, where they display their clownish, silly nature. Some are calmer and more relaxed, some are very funny and cheeky.

Be prepared! They can be stubborn when lazy, but not aggressive, and with patient training, they become less stubborn.

The Pug really craves attention, and loves to be around people, and always wants to please their owners. Pug puppies and adults are perfect with children, and they like a busy home, with lots going on.

Fun Fact. You may be surprised to learn they can be a smart breed, quick to learn, and because of this can be mischievous occasionally when left alone.

What is the lifespan of a Pug?

This may also surprise you, with many people focused on health problems faced by Pugs, but they live on average 12-15 years. But it is crucial that the pug is raised in a healthy environment. Nutrition, exercise and lots of love are needed. And for longevity, good genetics is also required. If your Pug puppy is from a breeder that isn’t responsible, and there is no care as to what is being passed on genetically, it will affect the health and lifespan of the Pug.

A healthy diet is the number one key, as Pugs can be greedy, and Pugs can be lazy. But a Pug that is coached to be active, and with a balanced diet can live a long, healthy life.

Which Breeds are Similar to the Pug?

The first and most obvious is the French Bulldog. Although not related, the French Bulldog is probably the breed most closely associated with the Pug. Both Frenchies and Pugsies have the same flat face, wrinkly body, and silly nature. Along with the Pug, the French Bulldog is one of the most popular and sought after breeds out there.

Several dog breeds share similarities with the Pug in terms of size, temperament, and appearance. If you’re a fan of Pugs, you might also consider the following breeds:

  • French Bulldog: French Bulldogs are charming, small-sized dogs with a distinctive bat-like ear and a compact build. They typically weigh between 16 to 28 pounds. Renowned for their adaptable and easygoing nature, Frenchies make wonderful companions. They thrive on human interaction and are known for their affectionate demeanor. Despite their muscular build, they don’t require excessive exercise and are well-suited for apartment living.
  • Bulldog: Bulldogs, with their medium-sized frame and distinctive wrinkled face, exude a calm and gentle temperament. Weighing between 40 to 50 pounds, they are loyal and make excellent family pets. Bulldogs are known for their friendly disposition and are particularly good with children. While they don’t demand rigorous exercise, regular walks and playtime contribute to their well-being.
  • Boston Terrier: Compact and muscular, Boston Terriers weigh around 12 to 25 pounds. Their friendly and lively personality makes them stand out. Intelligent and adaptable, Boston Terriers are known to form strong bonds with their owners. They are generally good with children, making them suitable for families. While their short coat requires minimal grooming, their energetic nature benefits from regular play and exercise.
  • Shih Tzu: Small in size, Shih Tzus typically weigh between 9 to 16 pounds. Known for their affectionate and outgoing nature, these dogs thrive on human companionship. Shih Tzus have a distinctive long, flowing coat that requires regular grooming. Despite their glamorous appearance, they are sturdy dogs with a friendly demeanor. They make excellent indoor pets, providing affection and joy to their families.
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, weighing around 13 to 18 pounds, boast a small to medium-sized frame. Their friendly and gentle nature makes them exceptional companions. These dogs are known for their affectionate demeanor, getting along well with both children and other pets. Regular walks and play sessions cater to their moderate exercise needs, while their silky, medium-length coat requires consistent grooming.

Each of these breeds brings unique qualities to the table, and spending time with them will help you find the perfect match for your lifestyle and preferences.

And Finally Where can I find a Pug puppy for sale?

The Pug is a popular breed thanks to its small stature, cuteness, and being a less exercise demanding breed.

It’s rare to see them in a shelter, but there are many breeders out there with Pug puppies for sale, but with this breed even more, than others it is crucial you find the best Pug breeder possible.

Whether finding a breeder online, or in person, always make sure you find out about the health of the bloodlines, and at least see pictures of the parents. Find out as much as you can about the breeder too, so you can ensure you have found an ethical and responsible one that will provide you with the healthiest and happiest Pug possible.

Then get ready for fun in your home!

Richard Hayes

Hey there! Meet Richard Hayes, the big boss and marketing guru behind Pet Dog Planet. He's been a total doggo fanatic since forever and loves all kinds of pups, from tiny teacup Chihuahuas to big, burly Bulldogs. His absolute favorite pastime? Snuggling with adorable puppies—he can't get enough of those cute little faces! Plus, he's totally into iced coffee, chilling in hammocks, and, of course, more puppy cuddling!

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