Everyone knows how it feels to worry about your pet when you need to travel. You do not know whether you can take them with you or not. Usually, when you cannot take them, and have to leave them, the question is who to leave them with, as you need to find a reliable person who will take care of them just like you would. This article gives you some guidelines on what to do to ensure both their safety and comfort without worrying about them.
Decide Whether You Are Taking Them, or Not
The first and one of the most important questions is whether you are taking the pet with you or not. This is crucial because if you plan on taking them, you need to prepare some essential things you will need; if not, you need to find someone who is going to take care of them. You know what the best option is and you know how your pet will handle the travel, so make sure to take their reaction into consideration. Some pets do not handle the travel well, sometimes this depends on their health or they simply might get anxious. If this is the case, it is better for them to stay with a reliable person rather than to take a risk and travel with them, not knowing how they would react.
Pack All the Essential Things
Take some time to make a list of all the things your pet might need on your travels. If you plan on taking them, pack all the things you need during transportation and always take some medication as a precaution in case something happens. However, your pet also needs some things if you want to leave them. This can be stressful for them, so make sure to pack their favorite toys, blankets, or even the bed they use, as this can remind them of home and they will calm down.
Find a Pet-Friendly Accommodation
Before starting the whole planning of the trip, make sure to check if the accommodation you have chosen is pet-friendly because if not, you’ll have to find another one that welcomes pets. Do not hesitate to check everything twice and to ask all the questions you have. Ask them if there are some restrictions regarding the size, breed, or number of pets. Such small details can lead to huge complications so it is always better to stay on the safe side and check everything on time so that nothing changes your plans.
Choose a Pet Sitter or a Pet Center
If you decide not to take your pet, make sure to take some time and find someone reliable who can take care of them. If you want professional care, you can find different pet centers, and won’t worry at all knowing that they are in good hands. Make this decision wisely and do not hesitate to hire a professional to do this if you believe that your close ones are not capable of accepting this role. For example, if you are from St. Louis or that area, you can learn more at https://www.silvermaplepetcenter.com/ and see what they offer. Besides dog and cat boarding, they offer dog daycare and grooming, which can be extremely useful, especially if you are usually busy and have many responsibilities.
Health and Documentation
Make sure to schedule a check-up before the trip so the vet can check the pet’s health and make sure that they are vaccinated regularly. This is a crucial step no matter if they go with you or stay, as you might need some vet documentation when crossing borders. If your pet requires special treatment, you need to have all the documentation from the vet that can help the people who take care of them know what to do in certain situations. It is better to take care of everything on time and to be able to relax later on during the trip because this way you won’t forget anything and will take care of all the smallest details.
Keep Pets Calm During the Trip
The biggest challenge is how to keep them calm and what to do if they don’t calm down. You need to take some steps before the trip, such as getting the pet used to the carrier or getting them used to calming down when given certain toys. If you don’t want to take risks, you can even talk to your vet and ask them if they can give you something to help you. This can be the best choice, as there are different alternatives if the pet won’t calm down and your reliable vet will give you advice on what’s best to do in such a situation. You can also be ready and have some treats or calming toys with you that can be of huge help.
Be Prepared For Any Kind of Emergency
Research the nearest veterinary clinics in the place where you plan to stay so that you can react immediately if something happens. Some complications can be possible due to the pet’s exposure to a long trip and maybe a different climate. Such small changes in the environment can have a great impact on a pet, especially if they are older or their health is not in the best condition. Another thing to do as a precaution is to make sure the pet is wearing a collar with an ID, or even better if the pet has a microchip. This way, if the pet gets lost, it would be much easier to find them, or if someone finds them, they can call you and let you know. These are some small possible situations; however, it is better to be ready than to stress out if some inconvenience occurs.
Everyone can agree that it can be anxious to travel with a pet and even more to leave them. Remember that with proper planning and reliable information this can be much easier, however, make sure not to rush things and to prepare both the pets and yourself for them to adjust to the new situation easier.