Beware! Household Stuff That Can Be Toxic For Your Canine Companion

If you are a pet parent, you will understand that handling one is a big responsibility. From day one you get your canine companion home, you need to make sure that it is safe and well looked after. From feeding to potty training, exercising, and more, there is much that you have to manage. There would be times you may feel exhausted and want to take time off. One moment of neglect can be dangerous for the pet as it may consume something toxic because there’s plenty of household stuff it shouldn’t eat. Here are the things that you need to be careful about.

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Chocolates may be great for treating the kids but they could be lethal for your dog. They contain Methylxanthines, which can cause hyperactivity, abnormal heartbeat, vomiting, and even seizures. Be extra careful about dark chocolate because it has the highest level of Methylxanthines as compared to other variants. Even if you want to give in to that awesomely cute greedy look, don’t ever feed them with chocolate. Also, keep it out of reach as you wouldn’t want your pet to eat it when you are not around.

Grapes and Raisins

Surprisingly, something as harmless as grapes and raisins can be life-threatening for your pooch. Although researchers do not yet understand the reason for the toxicity of grapes for dogs, they can have the most lethal side effects on the animals. If the pet ingests them by mistake, they may end up with serious symptoms such as tremors, vomiting and extreme thirst and lethargy. In the worst-case scenario, the animal may have kidney failure. Onions, chives, and garlic are some other food items that you should keep away from your dog.


Having a tipsy dog around may sound like a cool idea but the situation can be dangerous. Never give alcohol to your pet and be sure to keep it locked up. If there are bottles stashed around your home, train your dog well enough to stay away. You can go through this French Bulldog Training Guide to understand how obedience training works. A pet that understands your commands will surely be safe from the damaging outcomes of alcohol consumption. If you notice symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, decreased coordination and difficulty breathing, and suspect alcohol ingestion, take the pet to a vet clinic immediately.

Detergents and Insecticides

Household cleaning items such as detergents, pesticides, and bleach are also toxic to animals for obvious reasons. Motor oils, soaps, paint thinners and windshield anti-freeze products are some other items that you should keep off-limits. If the animal happens to ingest them accidentally, they would need immediate medical attention to prevent the poison from spreading. Even a few minutes of delay can be fatal.  Apart from these household chemicals, certain indoor plants are toxic to dogs. These include lilies, tulips, mistletoe, and sago palm.

You can be your pet dog’s savior but everything boils down to awareness. Always keep a close eye on the animal and ensure that they are not able to reach any of these toxic substances.

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