Dog Lovers

Top Tips for Travelling with Your Pet Via Car, Plane and Train

Planning and executing a journey involves dozens of plans. If you decide to travel distances along with a pet, then certainly you will feel anxious about its wellbeing and security.

You may leave your pet behind under the care of a friend, a relative or a neighbor, but sometimes it’s just not possible. This is where this article comes in to help you plan your next business or holiday trip with your pet!

Often when pets don’t get the desired love and affection, they start exhibiting destructive behaviors. Some pets may be so attached to you that they may not feel comfortable being babysitted by others. Hence, it’s better to take your beloved pet with you when you’re travelling. 

Many times it is seen that when pets don’t get the desired love and affection, they become prone to some behavioral changes, which may cause major problems, especially in the case of dogs.

After considering everything, I bring you a few workable tips so that you and your pet can have a safe journey, whether by road or by air. So let’s take a rundown!

Commuting via Car

I will discuss the different factors that you need to consider when you are travelling with your pet by road. You could be travelling by car, bus or train, but you have to keep in mind the following crucial factors –

Start with a Short Journey

There are plenty of things to prepare before getting on the road with your companion for a long journey. First things first, take your pet out on a short journey before embarking on a big one. 

Your pet needs to get used to travelling from home to different places, such as the supermarket, clinic, parks, etc. However, it shouldn’t travel on an empty stomach or dehydrated. So make sure you pet is fed and well-dressed before getting on board.

Be Mindful of Its Safety

In order to ensure safety, don’t allow your pet to make a fuss in the car. Use a crate, especially designed for your pet so that it remains seated properly. By all means, apply commands to make them obey rules to be followed when travelling by car. 

Small pups and cats must be kept in carriers while on their journey, otherwise they will hamper your ability to stay focused on the road. The carrier must also be placed carefully with a view to prevent it from bouncing inside the vehicle. 

Avoid Pet Distractions while Driving

It’s a good practice to never let your pet occupy the front seat, as it may distract the driver in many ways. If you are a Subaru owner it is better to add a dog divider as an addition for your subaru parts and accessories. Moreover, when an airbag pops up at the time of a crash, it will injure your beloved pet, instead of securing it.

Prevent It from Sticking Its Head Outside

Some people allow their beloved pets to let their heads out of the window while traveling. This isn’t the right thing to do, because such carelessness may harm them, as they may be struck by objects or heavy blowing wind.

Take Breaks

While on your road trip, take frequent breaks so that your pet can get some exercise and excrete, if necessary. As may be expected, it is important that you plan your journey accordingly – use a web-based travel planner such as Route4Me Route Optimization to help you get the most efficient route. Just make sure  you don’t them leave the vehicle without a collar. 

Furthermore, always make sure that your canine baby has an ID tag and a leash while traveling. This is to ensure that even if it gets lost, it is recognizable by anyone who finds it. As a rule, write down your phone number in the tag, just in case it gets lost.

Never Leave Pets All Alone

Many times, we may leave pets alone in the car, promising to come back in a minute. However, you may not be able to get back in a minute, which can unintentionally cause danger to your pet due to heat hazards or suffocation.

You never know the repercussions of high temperature on your pet inside the car, which may prove dangerous, even leading to death. Here is a link that will teach you what you must-do if you find a pet inside a car growling and seeking help.

When you’re not with your dog in the car, make sure to use Tesla Dog Mode. The Tesla Dog Mode is a safety feature that ensures the comfort and safety of your pet while you’re away. It allows them to regulate their own temperature by keeping it at whatever setting they want, as well as displaying an alert on screen for anyone who might worry about what’s going on inside (in case someone rolls down their window).

Prepare a Pet-Friendly Travel Kit

As you pack your travel bags, prepare one for your beloved pet as well, which will contain all the necessities like food, a feeding bowl, leash, medication, first aid, disposable plastic bags, grooming supplies, toys, etc.

Make sure to take plenty of water with you to keep your pet hydrated throughout the journey. You don’t want it to have anxiety or carsickness. Additionally, don’t forget to maintain its feeding schedule during long journeys.

Commuting via Air

At first, take a well-wisher’s advice: 

Don’t prefer to make air travel with a furry friend, unless, it is capable of traveling comfortably under your seat or cargo. 

However, if it becomes mandatory to bring your pet on the plane, then here are some tips to follow for an easy and smooth flight with it –

Get It Vaccinated Before Departure

Make an appointment with your vet and get your traveling companion fully vaccinated prior to travelling by air, and obtain an updated health certificate dated within 10 days of your departure. This is vital as it is a prerequisite for boarding a flight with a pet.

Don’t even consider tranquilizing your pet, as it may worsen its health by hampering its breathing. Consult the vet for alternatives to relax your pet during flights.

Make Sure Your Pet is Identifiable

Tag the tamed animal’s crate or carrier with its name, the owner’s name, contact details, address, destination, pet photographs, etc. It will act as a life savior in case your pet tries to escape or get lost. The owner must also possess a picture of his or her pet for identification purposes.

Choose In-Cabin Pet Transport

Try to take your pet with you in the cabin. Usually, small pets are allowed, but at an additional cost. Most importantly, you have to go through the airline’s pet policies to check for the limitations on pet travel in order to avoid the last-minute hassle.

There is a size requirement for your pet to fulfill as well prior to making travel via air, which you should check in advance. It’s better to avoid letting it travel in the cargo.

Be Aware of the Cargo Hold

A lot of pets have gone missing, become sick or lost their lives by traveling in the cargo hold. Some animals are put in the cargo because they don’t qualify to travel in the cabin with their owners. 

Reasons accounting for the cargo hold tragedy include bad ventilation, excessive hot or cold temperature, rough handling, and poor pet assistance. Therefore, a better approach may be to transport pets through PetSafe when they don’t certify to stay in the cabin.

Commuting via Train

Although most trains in Europe allow pet owners to travel with their pets, some small U.S. train companies have started to let pets travel with their families as well. 

The rules are pretty simple, that is, the owners are responsible for looking after the animals while on board. It is up to them to take the animals out for exercise or a toilet break. The animals should also have proper ID tags and collars for identification and emergency situations.

In Short

Traveling around the world with your little buddy is everything. But not being able to take care of it during long journeys may deteriorate your pet’s overall well-being. 

The tips stated above are on point, and by following the basic rules of travelling with your pet, you will be able to make sure that you both enjoy the trip!

On the whole, do lots of research before taking your pet on a trip with you. Rules change from time to time, and you want to be up-to-date at all times. 

More importantly, you want to make the journey memorable for both of you, so make the most of the time you two are together!

Richard Hayes

Hey there! Meet Richard Hayes, the big boss and marketing guru behind Pet Dog Planet. He's been a total doggo fanatic since forever and loves all kinds of pups, from tiny teacup Chihuahuas to big, burly Bulldogs. His absolute favorite pastime? Snuggling with adorable puppies—he can't get enough of those cute little faces! Plus, he's totally into iced coffee, chilling in hammocks, and, of course, more puppy cuddling!

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