Dog Care TipsDog Training

The Best Dog Trainers In The World

As pet parents, we always want what’s best for our pup, isn’t that right? That includes wanting the best guidance that you can get for the little guy.

Obviously, some are better than others, and you have to choose the best out of them all. With thousands upon thousands of options to choose from, the decision is a little hard to make. We can help you out with that!

If you’re wondering, “who is the best dog trainer?” continue reading. We’re going to be discussing all the most important details you need to keep in mind.

Who is The Best Dog Trainer in The World?

Every dog trainer specializes in different aspects. That’s why there are so many popular options out there. Each of them helps specific people in the way they need to be helped. So, the question you have to ask is who the most famous dog trainers are? 

These are the trainers who are also the best. Their popularity is well earned. That’s because they’ve helped countless dog owners with different things. As mentioned, we’re here to help, which is why we’ll be covering more info about some of the very best trainers out there.

Here’s a brief rundown on some of them, along with what they specialize in and how they can help.

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Adrienne Farricelli

As someone who loves their pups, you’ll always want to put them in the hands of a person that’s caring. Adrienne Farricelli is that person, which is evident through her vast experience as a vet assistant for an esteemed animal hospital.

She’s also a certified dog trainer with years of experience and an animal behavior consultant. She offers an affordable and effective dog brain training course. A course that works within the standards of the LIMA policy. 

She’s a great trainer that doesn’t use any force-based methods. Her work and studies have helped countless dog owners. Her work has featured in popular magazines like USA Today and Daily Puppy.

She understands how a dog thinks and uses that as a way of getting rid of bad behavior. Her program can help with your dog’s attitude, intelligence, and decision-making and make the little guy an ideal pet.

Doggy Dan

Up next is one of the most popular dog trainers out there—someone whose method is a bit controversial compared to the other trainers on this list. Doggy Dan is the founder, owner, and star of The Online Dog Trainer.

While his training methods don’t involve any use of force, they do involve dominance-based behavior training. Doggy Dan’s routine emphasizes the worth of earning treats and praise. With his program, dogs have to work hard to get the love that they want.

While few agree with his methods, their success is indisputable. He’s one of the most popular trainers for a reason. Doggy Dan’s program has helped thousands and can help your pup too!

It features many great tips that can help you shape your dog’s growth from the start. So if you need a better understanding, read this article;

Victoria Stillwell

If you’re a fan of dog-based TV programs and shows, you’re likely familiar with Victoria Stillwell already. She’s a popular and experienced trainer featured as a judge on the Greatest American Dog Show. She also has a popular TV show herself the name of “Me or The Dog?”

Victoria Stillwell is an APDT member and is also the creator of the Positively Dog Training network. Her approach revolves around positive reinforcement training, which is a humane, effective, and force-free method.

She’s got a certificate from the Animal Behavior and Training Associates as well. Her routines are great for pet owners looking for a simple answer to their dog training issues.

Her work over the years has helped many. That’s why Victoria Stillwell has gotten the recognition she deserves.

Zak George

While Zak George might not have any esteemed credentials to his name, he’s still one of the best dog trainers around. He’s got two-hit dog-based TV shows, one of which is BBC’s Who Let The Dogs Out. The other is SuperFetch on Animal Planet.

Zak George also has his Dog Training Revolution YouTube channel that’s subscribed to by millions of people.

So, the lack of credentials isn’t something that’s stopped Zak George from becoming a successful and top-rated trainer.

He offers a lot of energetic lessons and tips on his shows and YouTube channels. For all those looking to make training both effective and enjoyable, Zak George’s methods are perfect. Check him out if you want to make training fun.

Brandon McMillan

All those looking for a no-nonsense dog trainer will love Brandon McMillan. He created his own “Hybrid Training” system during his childhood. He still uses it today to help thousands of pet parents with their dogs.

He focuses on obedience training and uses specific commands to get dogs to do what he wants. The difference between him and others that use this approach is that he gets the job done with a few commands. 

Brandon McMillan uses his “7 Common Commands” system. This is a short, fast, and effective routine that can make your dog go from a stubborn pooch to an obedient one.

He’s appeared as a host on CBS’s Lucky Dog and helped several Hollywood celebrities with their dogs. He can do the same for you, so consider his approach if you’re looking for a quick answer to your doggy issues.


That fifth and final entry ends our list of some of the best and most famous dog trainers in the world. We’ve covered what each of them is good for, and now it’s up to you to decide which one’s approach best suits your pup.

If you have any specific questions in mind, make sure to comment and ask us! As for the rest, the trainers we’ve mentioned above have helped countless people throughout their careers, and they can help you too with their practical, proven approaches.

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Richard Hayes

Hey there! Meet Richard Hayes, the big boss and marketing guru behind Pet Dog Planet. He's been a total doggo fanatic since forever and loves all kinds of pups, from tiny teacup Chihuahuas to big, burly Bulldogs. His absolute favorite pastime? Snuggling with adorable puppies—he can't get enough of those cute little faces! Plus, he's totally into iced coffee, chilling in hammocks, and, of course, more puppy cuddling!

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