Dog FoodDry Dog Food

Taste of the Wild Dry Dog Food, High Prairie Canine Formula

Hello, friends, I am Josh Cobbe. Recently I have changed my dog, Spooky’s daily food because she has been bored with her regular food. Spooky like this brand’s food very much.

Are you tired of searching for healthy, grain-free dog foods?

But, you haven’t found an excellent quality, grain-free food?

Well, as every dog owner knows when it comes to ensuring your dog’s happiness and health, there’s no alternative to a high-quality dog food.

But, how many times have we brought in the wrong product?

For me, it was quite a number of times and a couple of vet visits, until I found this excellent quality grain-free dog food by Taste of the Wild. When it comes to choosing the right dog food, you’ve got plenty of choices. But, this high prairie canine formula developed by Taste of the Wild will narrow down your choices to the fewest.

Who is the Taste of the Wild (TOTW): High Prairie Canine Formula for?

  • The grain-free dog food is designed for any individual looking to introduce their dog to a healthy diet.
  • If you’re looking for above-average protein content in your dog food, then try this formula developed by TOTW.

Taste of the Wild: High Prairie Canine Formula Review

Ingredient Quality

The reason why the product is so popular is that it contains grain-free, exotic proteins. I had been trying to introduce my black Labrador, Anthena, to above-average protein content. And, this product has what I was looking for. Its protein is of high quality and comes from rather unusual sources, bison, and venison.


My Athena loves sweet potatoes. And, the carbohydrates in this product are derived from sweet potatoes, potatoes, and peas. I commend the product due since its carbohydrates do not come from low-quality grains. The product contains no soy or corn for that matter.

Diarrhea and Vomiting Issue

Several customers of TOTW revealed that their dogs were having diarrhea and vomiting after having this product. Many complained that it happened due to their purchase from Amazon. If you have doubt about the product, first of all, you should check out the appearance of the food.

The appearance of the dry food thicker, darker having smaller circular shape. While the packages bought from Amazon are said to contain food having thinner and bigger in shape. Also, they tend to be pale in color.

Anyways, if you have issues with the food, do not continue feeding your dog on it. Return the product and consult your local vet.


  • TOTW has recall history.
  • Exotic meat sources.


  • Comes totally grain-free.
  • Meat is its first ingredient
  • Doesn’t contain any chemical preservatives.


Q: Where is the TOTW: High Prairie Canine Formula made?

A: The product is manufactured in the USA.

Q: Who manufactures the product?

A: Taste of the Wild, which is owned by Diamond Pet Food.

Q: Is the protein content sourced in the United States?

A: Most of the ingredients of the product are sourced in the US. However, a few are sourced from New Zealand, Germany, Belgium and China.

Final Verdict

Taste of the Wild: High Prairie is an excellent dog food at an excellent price. My dog, Anthena, loves the brand, as well as this particular food. It comes grain-free totally. So, if you’re tired of most supermarket dog kibble that contains nothing but soy and corn, you should try this product.

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Richard Hayes

Hey there! Meet Richard Hayes, the big boss and marketing guru behind Pet Dog Planet. He's been a total doggo fanatic since forever and loves all kinds of pups, from tiny teacup Chihuahuas to big, burly Bulldogs. His absolute favorite pastime? Snuggling with adorable puppies—he can't get enough of those cute little faces! Plus, he's totally into iced coffee, chilling in hammocks, and, of course, more puppy cuddling!

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