Dog DiseasesDog Lovers

Symptoms & Treatments of Common Dog Diseases

Pets are living beings like us and get health complications; to combat, we need proper pet treatment. Pets like dogs and cats need a vet check-up at regular intervals at the very least to keep any disease or illness under control.

But, as pet owners, we need to be aware of any treatment available to a known disease, just to be prepared in case of an emergency. Colds, dog sinus infections, skin allergies, arthritis, among many other common illnesses, can be suppressed or cured with the right steps and proper professional aid.

Pretreatment, treatment, and post-treatment

There are a few steps you need to take if you want to treat your pet, there is a whole process to this, and you need to be patient. The most important steps are to observe the signs that your pet exhibits, find any preventative measures, ultimately suppress using treatment, and heal the disease entirely if possible.


Pretreatment is observing the problem to make some connections and try to communicate with the vets.


Dog, cats, fishes, birds will exhibit clear behavioural or physical indications. They will act quite differently to usual, and you will realize it if you have had your pet for a reasonable amount of time.

As always, it’s best to inform the vet about these symptoms before acting on your own most of the time.

  1. Coughing and panting are not that common for pets like cats and dogs. Persistent coughing is a symptom of multiple diseases like lung diseases, heart diseases, and heartworms.
  2. Some dogs vomit randomly multiple time in a day when they are not yet seriously ill, can be a massive cause for concern. These are symptoms of various illnesses, parasitic infection, gastrointestinal diseases, indigestion.

Vomit can also accompany by a lack of energy and loss of appetite, or even blood with the vomit can mean Gastric ulcers.

  1. Lack of appetite can be a severe concern if it lasts for more than a day. This can be especially bad if there is a cat involved with the loss of appetite. Cats are most likely to have fatty liver, which is a fatal illness for fat cats.
  2. Pets needing to relieve themselves/urinate at different levels than normal can mean few things. High levels of urination indicate either adrenal gland, kidney, or liver disease. Lack of urination can indicate the possibility of diabetes and is a serious connotation for male cats. If cats have a hard time urinating or wet their beds, that can mean they have kidney stones. This is also fatal for cats if it goes untreated for over 24 hours.
  3. Itchy skin and a variable amount of hair loss can indicate skin allergies or parasitical infestation. Yeast infection, mites, ticks, fleas, fungal infections, or allergic reactions can cause your dog to scratch or bite itself frantically.
  4. Slow or difficulty of movements using the joints, back or knees, and elbows can mean joint issues or arthritis-like diseases. Arthritis, hip dysplasia, torn ligament, or decay of the joints are common in dogs and less seen on cats. These can happen due to the ageing of the animal and degradation of the bones and joints.

There are many more symptoms that indicate a lot of diseases than our small list of common problems to watch out for. These have to be taken seriously to ensure your pet can live a healthy life in the future.

Preventive measures

Preventing the issue from escalating is one of the smarter ways to catch a disease before it spirals out of control.

The best preventative measure is to get your pet checked out in a veterinary hospital. Running Multiple tests is very helpful in zeroing down on the problem.

These are a few tests that are given to pets on average.

  • ECG is quite essential to test to run if your pet is having to breathe or is feeling lethargic more than normal. Any irregular heart rhythm is then checked to find any associated heart diseases.
  • Urine tests are more standard of the tests. This can help find any issues with the functionality of the kidney and the urinary tract.
  • Blood tests to find out the number and concentration of platelets and blood cells, electrolytes, proteins, digestive enzymes, glucose, endocrine levels, and cholesterol. All of these are quite important, and any differences will relate to some condition or another.
  • Thyroid tests to check the levels of thyroid hormone.
  • Keeping the animal away from certain environments or cleaning up around and in the house of any possible problems like mosquito ponds or grassy yards.

Then treating the pet after taking preventative measures is a great way to stop or suppress most diseases.


There are some home remedies that you can try for minor and insignificant issues.

Treating a pet after diagnosing it is always better left to the professionals.

Generally, vets will have more well-known treatment methods ready for your pet to undergo.

Some of these treatments include:

  • Vaccination of the animal in the earlier stages of its life regardless of whether the pet has the disease or not. This kind of falls under preventative measures, but this is also useful if administered later in life.
  • Powders and tablets for ticks and other infestations are a really good way of keeping them under control. Tablets are also used to cure or control most other diseases in a pet, and vets often prescribe them accordingly.
  • Disease-causing parasites like heartworms need a longer time to heal for dogs, and in some animals like cats, there are no cures.
  • Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery are primarily for cancer and other problematic diseases. Sometimes surgery is needed to remove foreign objects from the pet’s body or treat the body’s internal organs for specific conditions.

Another cutting-edge treatment option to consider for your pet is Stem Cell Therapy, which offers a simple and minimally invasive solution to many common dog ailments. It’s a two-stage process that begins with the harvesting of fat cells from your pet, typically from the tummy area. These cells are then treated in a lab to isolate, concentrate, and activate millions of stem cells. After about 4-6 weeks, these cells are ready to be implanted back into your pet’s affected areas, providing relief and aiding recovery. Many pets show significant improvement in pain reduction and mobility within 12 weeks, and sometimes even sooner. The procedure doesn’t require an overnight stay and involves detailed follow-up communication to ensure your pet’s progress is tracked meticulously. Learn more about this innovative treatment at Stem Cell Vet and discover how stem cell therapy could potentially transform your pet’s quality of life.

To conclude

There are many ways to treat your pet by yourself or with the help of a vet. You only need to be patient and be smart about it.

Richard Hayes

Hey there! Meet Richard Hayes, the big boss and marketing guru behind Pet Dog Planet. He's been a total doggo fanatic since forever and loves all kinds of pups, from tiny teacup Chihuahuas to big, burly Bulldogs. His absolute favorite pastime? Snuggling with adorable puppies—he can't get enough of those cute little faces! Plus, he's totally into iced coffee, chilling in hammocks, and, of course, more puppy cuddling!

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