Dog Lovers

Steps to Follow When Your Dog Has Intestinal Worms

A dog is the man’s best friend, and is as loyal as anything can be. It is also one of the mammals that’s prone to parasitic attacks. Research has been able to identify that this is due to the animal’s habit of sniffing and licking everything around. Dogs also lick trash and dirt that are pest producing components. This habit eventually elevates the risk for them and those around them.

Taking reasonable preventive measures is the only thing you can do as a dog owner. If you are unable to change your dogs’ habit of licking and sniffing, then you need to take help from veterinary experts. As soon as you reach a solution, you should also advocate for dogs online to convey the information to other dog owners. If your dog gets infected with intestinal worms even after you take preventive measures, then you need to follow the following steps:

  1. Identification of the Worm Type: It is not much known but there are different types of species in the genre of intestinal worms. Sometimes, despite the persistence of a veterinary expert for better treatment, the owners want them to simply medicate the dog to stabilize their condition. One of the most important steps for eliminating the worms is the identification of the worm type. There are four different types of intestinal worms that affect the animal. Tapeworm, hookworm, whipworm, and roundworm are the species that are responsible for the problem. If the veterinary is not able to identify the correct type, then proceeding for the treatment is next to impossible.
  2. Selection Of Medication: Once the veterinary is done with the identification of the worm type, the second step is the selection of medication that has the most potent effects on the identified type. The failure to identify the type results in a prolongation of the issue. If the type has not been rightly identified, then the expert will not be able to provide the right treatment. Apart from selecting a medication, treatment regimen and supporting activities also help to improve the overall health of the dog. This helps do conditioning to restrain the dog’s habit of licking on every hazardous surface. Sometimes, compounded pet medications are needed to address a specific condition. If your dog rejects the medication, you can always try flavored medication to make the treatment a pleasant experience.
  3. Treatment Through Medication: Do not give up on your dog so soon or be stressed out because every treatment requires time to work. Even if the condition of the dog has been stabilized, the body needs the complete and the recommended doses of the medicine. The most commonly used medicines for intestinal worms are those from the anti-parasitic class. The instant effect of the medicine causes a significant reduction in the parasites, but you must complete the course to achieve the desired results. Nowadays, some medications create sustained effects and deliver better results.
  4. Regular Check-Up and Medication: As discussed, medicating your dog for the parasites is not a one-day task; it needs continuous follow-up for at least three to six months. Many seem to think that once their pet is back to their normal life, they can discontinue checkups and medication. However, the tendency of relapse remains constant. The failure to adhere to safety eventually causes the issue to return. All you need to do is stay in contact with the veterinary expert to keep your dog healthy and safe. If you are not able to serve your dog with a regular checkup, then be aware that you might be risking their health and forcing your pet to live a compromised life.
  5. Elimination Of Worms Through Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin seeds are a tremendous source of exogenous amino acid and contain cucurbitacin. Even though amino acids are the building blocks of protein, the physiology of a dog accepts it for the regulation of feedback mechanism to destroy the worms inside the body. Cucurbitacin is the amino acid that paralyzes the worms and eventually helps to eliminate them. Researchers claim that pumpkin seeds are one of the most reliable natural sources for worm elimination. If you find it difficult to feed your dog with the pumpkin seeds, you can add it to the regular food. But make sure that the quantity of the seeds is not more than 10grams per 10 pounds, twice a day.
  6. Non-Common But Effective Practices: You must be amazed to know that there are some fruits and vegetables that have potential effects on the intestinal parasites and worms. A most common example of such fruits and vegetables is carrot as it can destroy the parasites much higher than any other fruit due to being rich in Vitamin A. This component tends to remove the incubation center of the parasites, which is the mucus. All you need to do is to serve your dog with finely chopped carrot as it will that can be efficacious to scrape the stomach lining and remove all the mucus. Apart from removing parasites, carrots are a source of boosting immunity and enhancing the overall nutrient count of the body and will make your dog healthier.

Conclusion: Making a habit of feeding your dog healthy food is the best possible way that you can avoid and prevent intestinal worms. Even though dogs do not like to eat fruits and vegetables but for the sake of their health, you need to feed them with orange fruits and vegetables as they are rich in Vitamin A. This component has antioxidants and carotenoids that eventually help the body to maintain normal physiological function and boost immunity to fight against parasites. If you love your dog, serving them healthy food is just not enough, as dogs are prone to parasitic attacks. You need to align a regular checkup to maintain the health of your beloved pet to spot the problem in time. To be sure, always look for signs and symptoms of the disease and be quick to act as soon as you identify the problem. Remember, timely action is actual prevention.

Richard Hayes

Hey there! Meet Richard Hayes, the big boss and marketing guru behind Pet Dog Planet. He's been a total doggo fanatic since forever and loves all kinds of pups, from tiny teacup Chihuahuas to big, burly Bulldogs. His absolute favorite pastime? Snuggling with adorable puppies—he can't get enough of those cute little faces! Plus, he's totally into iced coffee, chilling in hammocks, and, of course, more puppy cuddling!

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