Dog Training

Sit Means Sit Reviews Dog Training Review

It can be an absolute bear to try and find a reputable company for dog training. A lot of them hide their processes, don’t require proper certifications from their dog trainers, and treat dogs as a means to an end.

That’s why it’s so important to find a company that loves your dog as much as you do, and who sees each training program as an opportunity to improve the lives of you and your dog.

What is Sit Means Sit?

If you’re looking for reviews, you already know that Sit Means Sit is a dog training company. You know that they’re on a national level and that they get results.

But, what is Sit Means Sit? How do they get results? Why do they care? And, most importantly, can you trust them with your dog?

We’re here to answer those questions.

On a deeper level, Sit Means Sit is a company that was founded on the idea of changing lives all over the world. The mission statement of Sit Means Sit is, “Revolutionizing the quality of life with happy, obedient, and confident dogs, and that statement is acted on every single day. They are all about connecting dogs and owners on a deep, meaningful level that opens up endless possibilities.

“Talk is cheap.” No amount of training matters if it’s never put into action. All of the classes and programs (puppy classes, group classes, Board and Train program, etc…) include hands-on training from the dog trainers and real-world applications for the owners.

Dog Training on a Concept Level

If you want a real sign of whether or not a dog training company is actually top-tier, look for the level of understanding a dog achieves throughout the process. You are limited by your dog’s knowledge. Saying “Go to your bed” doesn’t help if your dog doesn’t know what a bed is. Sit Means Sit strives for complete understanding that isn’t limited by specifics.

You can teach a dog individual commands, and they will learn them with relative ease, but they do stack up. What has to happen to be truly effective is that your dog has to learn concepts. For example, “Place,” should mean, “Go over there and stay put.” You ought to be able to point at an object your dog has never seen before, and they will go and be on that object until you tell them otherwise.

“Sit” at this company doesn’t mean, “Sit by my side,” “Sit when you get here,” or “Sit after you smell that item,” “Sit” means “Sit.” It is a command that applies to any moment and any location.

Training Tools

Sit Means Sit has been training dogs since 1998, and one of the biggest lessons they share with dog owners is that it’s not about the tools that are used in training as much as the training method.

Just because an owner owns a leash doesn’t mean the dog is trained. The language of the leash must be learned in order for it to be an effective tool. Most owners use leashes as a way of restraining their dogs; Sit Means Sit uses them as a way of communicating with your dog. This is true of all tools, including toys, food, and even the infamous shock collar.

E-Collar Training

E-collars (AKA: shock collars) have been misunderstood and misused for a long time. The misuse of shock collars has allowed them to get a bad reputation for being painful, damaging, and abusive towards animals, but when they’re used properly by people who know how, they can be an incredible and positive tool for success.

Sit Means Sit trainers never harm the animals in their care. These collars are not used as a form of punishment. Instead, they’re used as a way to get the dog’s attention and direct it towards or away from something.

Sit Means Sit only uses e-collars as a way of channeling energy. It’s like when you need someone’s attention, and you tap them on the shoulder. This is the same idea, except it isn’t limited by distance. With shock collars, any dog trainer at Sit Means Sit can direct a dog’s energy from a distance. This is a great way for trainers to reinforce obedience no matter how far away the dog is.

Any tool, when the language isn’t understood by the user, can have a negative impact on a dog. You can unintentionally harm your own dog by misusing a regular collar or a leash. It’s not so much the tools as the training process and whether it includes the appropriate use of that tool.

Why Choose Sit Means Sit?

We love our pet dogs dearly, but taking them out in the real world can be a challenge sometimes. There are so many distractions that can undermine your dog’s obedience. Other dogs, unfamiliar people, interesting smells, loud noises… everything outside of the home is detrimental to your dog’s behavior.

But it doesn’t have to be. At Sit Means Sit, distractions are friends. Their training techniques are designed to help owners communicate with their dogs in the midst of distractions. For many companies, walking off-leash is the endgame, but for Sit Means Sit, it’s a basic requirement. Walking off-leash in public places should be something that every owner gets to enjoy if that’s what they choose.

With the training methods taught at Sit Means Sit, you can have a dog that experiences life at your side. You can go to patio restaurants, public parks, walking trails, hiking adventures, and so much more! After you go through their programs, you will no longer be limited by the fear that your dog will act out every time you leave the house. You and your dog will experience unprecedented freedom.

The first step to achieving this kind of lifestyle is to call and schedule your free consultation. Get a feel for the compound, meet the trainers, and get answers to all your questions. Sit Means Sit wants you to feel perfectly comfortable and in the know about everything that goes on in our facilities.

What Our Clients Say

Aside from the occasional disgruntled reviewer, they have thousands of glowing reviews. Folks especially appreciate their work with their reactive dogs, and “problem” animals which other training facilities have been unable to solve.

Unfortunately, it is clear that many people choose Sit Means Sit only as a means of last resort after years of frustration. This is understandable, as this is one of the more premium products on the market price-wise. 

“Hershey is a rescue we got three months ago. He is a big lover boy but was not well-trained. We tried to train him on our own but realized we needed help from some professionals. He is strong and could almost pull us to the ground when he saw another dog or a vehicle. After doing quite a bit of research we chose Sit Means Sit. We were very reluctant to train using an e-collar but after meeting with Lisa and understanding it is not used for punishment we were more comfortable. Hershey was in their Board and Train program and he did great. Each of the trainers was professional and very friendly. With their follow up classes and our consistency with his continued training, we are confident we will have a very well-trained and well-behaved dog. Thank you SMS!! “- K.V

“I have a 5 month Doberman (Samson). I have had a few dogs (poodles) in the past. However, they were very ill mannered. So when I decided to get a Samson, I wanted to be a good parent and provide him with all the tools necessary to be successful. Here came SMS, and from the very first day, we were rolling with positive behaviors. Better yet, my confidence improved in providing the necessary training at home. We graduated from the puppy class, and went straight to the board and train. Our trainer Josh, Austin, and Robert have done wonders with my ever growing pup. But more important, I see my confidence in training improving with each visit. I like to show Samson off to my relatives…he is so well behaved and stays in place upon command. I strongly recommend SMS to anyone who wants to get the most out of their dogs.” – Jimmie C.

“Sit Means Sit is absolutely the best dog training company there is. Other dog training methods don’t even come close. I know I’ve tried them all. I trained my super high energy American Pit Bull Terrier with the Sit Means Sit system and I don’t even need a leash any more. I get compliments daily on how awesome and incredibly well behaved my dog is. Now I can take my dog with me almost everywhere I go. I know I couldn’t have done it without Sit Means Sit!” – Gary V

Brenda Thompson

Brenda Thompson is an expert in dog behavior with over a decade of experience, and she is also passionate about working with cats and birds. In addition to contributing pet content to, she is a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant. She received her Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) from Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine in 2007 and has over 16 years of experience in treating animals. Her expertise is in educating pet owners on common pet health problems and providing them with option-based care to help choose what is best for their companions

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