Dog LoversDog Care Tips

Pamper Your Pup: 6 Ways to Give Your Canine Companion Some TLC

Working dog parents are all too familiar with the emotional tug-of-work of leaving your furry friend behind. Whether you’re jetting off to your cubicle or making a routine grocery store run, these goodbyes can wrench the hearts of even the most stoic puppy parents. 

As you frantically collect your keys, morning coffee, and briefcase—sounds of howling and desperate puppy whimpers may flood your apartment. Shutting your dog inside while you are at work can cause you and your pet emotional distress if it happens too frequently. Your dog may begin barking and howling, urinating and defecating in the home, and generally creating destruction around the house, leaving you feeling hopeless. 

Many dog parents also worry that leaving their pet alone for too long will negatively affect the relationship between a dog and their human. That’s why giving your pup some much needed TLC after a long day without you is a great way to encourage bonding and curb any destructive behaviors that crop up as a result of your dog’s separation anxiety.  

1. Craving Canine Companionship? Listen up

If you are still in the market for a pup to pamper, have no fear. There are many different methods to determine which dog is the right fit for you or your family. First, you’ll want to pinpoint your ideal pet size, activity level, and age before making a purchase. Remember, there’s nothing more heartbreaking family than needing to part ways with their pup simply because their first-choice furry friend wasn’t a good fit.

Next, you’ll want to make a meaningful comparison between low-maintenance and high-maintenance dog breeds to ensure you end up with the dog of your dreams (and a canine companion you feel equipped to handle). Problems greater than separation anxiety can develop if you acquire a dog with needs beyond what you can provide.

2. Spend Time Outdoors

Letting your pup blow off steam unleashed at a local dog park is a cure-all to pent-up energy. Whether you decide to take your pup for a romp at the dog park or a hike in the woods, you and your dog will both benefit from spending time outdoors. Your puppy will receive some much-needed exercise and bond with you as a result. You’ll also be able to enjoy the activity and the fresh air. Just make sure to keep your dog safely on a leash to prevent them from running away or intruding on others also enjoying the outdoors.

3. Make Homemade Dog Treats

Much like we bake cookies for a loved one, you can also shower your pet with fresh-baked goodies. You can create creative recipes to incorporate your dog’s favorite foods and flavors. Warning: Make a conscious effort to only toss in dog-friendly ingredients that won’t lead to a stomach ache or mess-inducing vomiting. If you want to be extra careful, consult a vet before adding new foods to your pet’s diet.

4. Go Toy Shopping

Dog-lovers (and human beings) everywhere can agree few things are cuter than a dog who’s allowed to pick out its toy at the pet store. To treat your dog to a heaping spoonful of joy, embark on a shopping adventure with your pup. This type of outing is bound to excite your curious fur baby, and in the end, they get to walk away with a brand-new toy (that will grant your couch cushions some much-needed reprieve from their constant gnawing). Plus, you’ll be able to pick up any supplies you need for Fido while you’re out.

5. Try a Doggie-Massage

If your pup is already partial to snuggles, they are sure to enjoy a massage as well. Dog-massages can help ease any muscle soreness in your pets and can calm them down after a long day of playing. Besides encouraging your dog to love you more, these massages can help teach younger dogs how to be handled, making grooming, nail-trimming, and vet appointments easier in the future. If a massage isn’t what your dog wants, opt for brushing instead.

6. Head Out for a Swim

Many dog breeds will jump at the chance to go for a swim. While letting your shedding pup go for an afternoon swim in your in-ground pool may be a no-go, swimming in a dog-friendly environment is sure to relieve your pup’s anxieties. Just find a safe body of water for your puppy to swim around in, and you’re set.  If your dog isn’t interested in full-on swimming, try chasing them through a sprinkler in your backyard. 

Final Thoughts

If you’ve noticed that your furry friend is down in the dumps, pamper their sorrows away with these helpful hints. In no time, wagging tails will replace these heart-wrenching whimpers. 

Richard Hayes

Hey there! Meet Richard Hayes, the big boss and marketing guru behind Pet Dog Planet. He's been a total doggo fanatic since forever and loves all kinds of pups, from tiny teacup Chihuahuas to big, burly Bulldogs. His absolute favorite pastime? Snuggling with adorable puppies—he can't get enough of those cute little faces! Plus, he's totally into iced coffee, chilling in hammocks, and, of course, more puppy cuddling!

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