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Dog Odor Control Made Easy

You might have a “dog smell” in your house. It is not uncommon. Our noses get used to the smell after a while, and we cannot smell it anymore. But the panic tends to kick in when you’re hosting a party, or the other guest comes over to your house! This blog post will teach you how to get rid of dog smells in the house. 

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We all love our dogs, but there is nothing worse than coming home and smelling your dog’s mess while walking through the door. This can be a real problem for some people who have allergies or asthma, so it’s best to take measures to keep these things from happening. The good news is that it doesn’t take much effort at all! 

This blog post will show you some easy ways to help keep those pesky pet odors out of your house with minimal trouble or cost involved!

Why Does My Dog Smell So Bad

It does not matter how much you love your dog, and it can be hard to love a dog’s stinky scent that follows her around. This is especially true if she enjoys rolling in dead animal remains or eating poops as most dogs do.

Dog smells, whether putrid or pungent, are a sign that something might be wrong. So, when your dog smells bad, don’t just scrunch up your nose. Try to figure out why they have a stench and what you can do about it so that next time, their smell doesn’t bother anyone else in the house as well!

Here are the most common reasons why your dog smells so bad.

1. Dog’s Body Odor

Dogs don’t sweat as humans do. They only have sweat from their paws and hair follicles. These smells are different for each dog and share its identity.

Dogs also produce oil that helps their skin and hair stay healthy. This oil has a scent as well. Dogs have glands in their ears that create a light yeast smell as well. These are all normal body odors, and you can keep them at a minimum by giving the dog regular baths and grooming it regularly.

Some dogs release worse-than-usual body odors when they’re excited or overheated from playing outside in the sun for too long; this can lead to other smells coming out as well! In addition to sweating through their feet pores as most animals do, we get these stinky aromas all over our houses if you don’t take care of them properly: They’ll leave sweat stains on furniture (and who wants that?) plus oils around ears which smell really bad afterward because those are glands where the scent comes from–dogs use it way more than people do so PLEASE change those wipes often!).

Read more: How to remove dog urine stains

2. Mouth Odors

The sad truth is that the majority of pets, up to 85%, over the age of three have some form of dental disease. You may not know this if you go for three years without brushing your teeth! Within hours after eating a meal, sticky plaque begins to accumulate on their teeth, slowly hardening into cement-like tartar within 24 – 48 hours later, which could lead to periodontal problems such as tooth loss or gum inflammation.

When your dog has bad breath, it can be because they have dental issues like gum disease or an underlying oral tumor that is causing them to salivate more than usual. In addition to their obvious symptoms such as plaque build-up and tartar on teeth (trust us, we know!), stinky doggy breath also indicates bacteria levels in the mouth are high enough for gingivitis or oral tumor.  

3. Kidney Disease

Pets with kidney disease have a hard time getting rid of waste products from their bloodstream. This can make their breath smell like ammonia. Some people say that pets with kidney disease also have a metallic odor to their breath. If your pet’s kidneys don’t work, you may notice that they are moderately thirsty and urinate more often than usual.

4. Skin Problems

Some dogs with wrinkly skin, such as English bulldogs, pugs, or Shar Pei’s, are prone to developing stinky-skin disorders like skin fold dermatitis. This skin disorder happens because of close skin contact, which creates a warm moist environment perfect for the overgrowth of surface microbes like bacteria and yeast that cause unpleasant smells on your dog’s body.

These organisms produce toxins that can cause an infection by breaking down the skin barrier, leading to inflammation and irritation.

Skin allergies in dogs can manifest as itchy skin, often leading to the dogs scratching and biting themselves. This is a sign that they are suffering from an allergy. When a pup scratches or licks her skin too much, she breaks the skin barrier and makes way for bacteria to enter the skin, leading to a stinky infection.

5. Ear Infections

There are a number of reasons your dog’s ears may stink.

However, the most common causes of smelly dog ears are Ear Wax Buildup, Yeast Infections, and Bacterial Ear infections. 

If you notice that your dog’s ears smell like yeast, she may have a yeast infection. However, bacterial infections are also common in dogs, and they tend to emit more of an unpleasant odor than yeast infections. 

If your dog has a bacterial ear infection, it may have some of the more severe symptoms. Don’t try cleaning their ears at home before seeing a veterinarian, just in case!

Dog ear wax build-up is normal and can occur if the self-cleaning mechanism of your pup’s ears is disturbed. The self-cleaning mechanism is usually able to handle normal issues with cleaning things up on its own, but if something goes wrong, then this will happen instead! They could just seem irritable or uncomfortable, but you will notice that the yellow color is different than their regular white color and have an odor about them too!

How to Get Rid of Dog Odor

If you have a dog or cat in your house, it’s important to reduce odors. Whether it’s from toilet accidents, shedding, or just mud and dirt from playing outside, pets seem to come up with infinite ways to bring mess into our home!

Does your home need some help with pet odor control? If so, keep reading to find our top tips for reducing pet smells.

Clean Up Accidents Right Away

How do I get rid of pet odor? Our top tip is to clean up accidents as soon as possible.

While most pets are house-trained, accidents can always happen—especially for puppies or elderly pets. If your fluffy friend makes a mess on the carpet, clean it up right away, before it has time to set in.

Soak up the stain all the way, then use a carpet cleaning product to remove the odor and stain completely. Plus, the fresher the stains, the easier they are to clean up.

Keep Your Pet Groomed

Grooming can be helpful in preventing pet odor too. Washing, brushing, and grooming reduces shedding, dander, and odor.

Our pets, especially dogs, love to roll around in smells in the yard, jump in puddles, or get up to all sorts of mischief. Keeping your pet clean keeps the dirt and smells from their outdoor adventures from getting into the house.

Invest in the Right Cleaning Products

You’ll want to purchase the right pet odor remover products, which can help remove the smell from the home. Masking the smell with candles or spray doesn’t make it go away—it just hides it.

Instead, neutralize odors completely by keeping your pet’s areas of the house clean. In a pinch, many pet owners use baking soda to get rid of smells too.

You’ll also want to regularly clean your pet’s food and water dishes, toys, crates, and bed, which can wash away odors.

Try an Air Purifier

If you find your home always has a funny pet smell to it, try an air purifier. They work to remove irritants and pollen, plus pet dander, from the air.

This can be particularly useful for anyone with pet allergies and it can help keep the air fresher in your home.

Improve Your Pet Odor Control With These Tips

If your home could use some odor control, use the tips above to freshen up. Pet odors can be a nuisance, especially if you’re having friends over, so these simple tips can give your home a clean, fresh smell.

With proper training and grooming, you can reduce pet smells as much as possible. Everyone knows you love your pets, but that doesn’t mean your guests need to smell them!

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Brenda Thompson

Brenda Thompson is an expert in dog behavior with over a decade of experience, and she is also passionate about working with cats and birds. In addition to contributing pet content to, she is a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant. She received her Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) from Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine in 2007 and has over 16 years of experience in treating animals. Her expertise is in educating pet owners on common pet health problems and providing them with option-based care to help choose what is best for their companions

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