Dog Care Tips

Most Common Dog Breeds and Their Health Issues

It is crucial to be aware that some dog breeds are predisposed to particular health issues, regardless of whether your family has owned a particular dog for many generations or if this is your first dog. As your dog ages, it’s crucial to know the health of different dog breeds. 

Most Common Dog Breeds

Keep a watch out Canine weekly for these ailments if you have one of the following breeds, and see your veterinarian about preventative pet care. Sadly, this practice can occasionally have unfavorable effects, such as a higher incidence of specific hereditary defects, deformities, or illnesses within a breed.

Common Dog Breeds and Their Health Issues

Here is the list of the most common dog breeds and their health issues. Read on. 


Like other dogs with adorable smashed-in faces, bulldogs are prone to respiratory problems. The tiny nostrils, extended soft palate, and thin trachea of your bulldog are likely the cause of their snoring.

If they become overheated or overtired, they might experience a life-threatening emergency. Bulldogs should not be overexercised when exercising in the summer, so it’s essential to keep them cool.


Pugs, known for their pushed-in, flat face, are typically a healthy breed with a long lifespan. Pugs’ squished cheeks and big eyes make them vulnerable to eye problems. Eyes that are forced out of their sockets are the most dangerous. 

This could happen if a pug is engaged in an accident or a dog fight. Immediately take your dog to the veterinarian and cover the eye with a wet towel. After the physician replaces the eye, the extent of the damage will decide whether the dog can still see.

Labrador Retriever

The most common breed of dog in America is admired for its high level of intelligence and loving nature. Labs are the ideal family dog in many ways: they are devoted, kind, and playful. Any breed of dog can put on weight, but labs are more likely than other breeds to do so.

Additionally, just like in people, obesity in dogs is linked to health problems. Regularly challenging exercise is required in labs. If your lab is always begging for food, give them some raw carrots, green beans, or apples. 

The best course of action when choosing a diet for your pet is to speak with your veterinarian because prevention is more straightforward than weight loss.


The Boxer is a very athletic breed that is thought to have gotten its name from the way it utilizes its front paws for almost all of its activities, appearing to bat at objects as though sparring. However, this robust and compact breed is prone to several illnesses.

Compared to other cancers, mast cell tumors and lymphoma are more common in boxers. Lymphoma is a lymph node cancer caused by white blood cells called lymphocytes. Mast cell tumors, which are skin cancers, can potentially affect internal organs and come in a variety of shapes.

Your dog may develop a strange bump or bulge on its body as a result of cancer in either scenario. Although detecting both malignancies early is critical, it may be curable. In order to avoid lumps, periodically check your Boxer.

Yorkshire Terrier

“Yorkies” have pounced into Americans’ hearts since they are known for having multiple personalities in a small compact. The third most common breed in America is this one. They like playing the part of little diva dolls with their silky blue/tan coats and entitled terrier attitudes. Yorkies frequently experience stomach issues.

Their food has to be closely watched. The risk of tracheal collapse exists, just like in other toy breeds. Coughing is one of the clinical indicators, and wearing a collar may worsen it. 

Toxins may build up in the blood due to the inherited defect portosystemic shunt, which may reduce liver function. Neurological and behavioral issues may result from this.

Cocker Spaniel

These favorites are renowned for their flowing coats, but maintaining the hair of a supermodel is not cheap. Dogs with floppy, hairy ears, like cocker spaniels, are more likely to have ear infections often. 

The most straightforward strategy to stop ear infections in your dog is to clean their ears once every two weeks and sometimes to turn their ears back so they can “breathe.” 

To maintain dry ear canals, gently clip any hair sprouting on the bottom of the ears. Having fewer ear infections regularly might help avoid severe issues in the future.


If you’re thinking about getting a new puppy or adult dog, make sure to deal with a reputable breeder who is upfront and honest about the health history of their dogs. You can also visit canine weekly for more tips and reviews.  

Try to prepare your home for the dog after studying and selecting the breed that’s right for you. Avoid using draperies, carpets, furniture with heavy upholstery, another carpet, and other fabrics that might trap dander if possible.

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Richard Hayes

Hey there! Meet Richard Hayes, the big boss and marketing guru behind Pet Dog Planet. He's been a total doggo fanatic since forever and loves all kinds of pups, from tiny teacup Chihuahuas to big, burly Bulldogs. His absolute favorite pastime? Snuggling with adorable puppies—he can't get enough of those cute little faces! Plus, he's totally into iced coffee, chilling in hammocks, and, of course, more puppy cuddling!

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