How Does Low Carb Cat Food Help My Feline?

Unless you raise your feline to be vegan and have never given it any meat in its life (not recommended), it will need a lot of protein to stay healthy. Because our animals are typically carnivores, not only do they require a good healthy diet, and liquids to match, but they also require high amounts of protein and a small portion of carbohydrate as well.

As omnivores, we humans can consume both plants and animals, which gives us a range of different food types to consume. Sometimes it’s out of personal preference and sometimes we need to be on a low-carb diet, however with our felines its not so much as a choice as it is a necessity, for them to remain healthy and avoid any ailments or negative conditions.

Those that are placed on a low-carb diet by your veterinarian may have reasons for being obese or susceptible to becoming diabetic. The best thing you can do is placing them on a diet that’s closest to their natural needs and certain food brands fulfill this necessity.

What is a Low Carbohydrate Cat Food Diet Good For?

Our kittens get their nutritional requirements and energy and from meat products mainly. Especially if the food items are high in protein and low in carbohydrates. However, some brands contain the opposite i.e. a high dose of carbs and a low dose of proteins., this could contribute to various health issues later in the cat’s life.

Due to age, cats tend to metabolize this component less competently and as such, feeding them a higher standard and quality type of protein is a good idea. Something that has an ingredient known as L-Carnitine in it, is a good option. Read about this more on this recommended site

This type of inclusion has been seen to slow down, age-related problems in them, and help with weight management as well as supporting a healthy immune system. It is always advisable to educate yourself on the differences between a high-quality protein and a regular one. 

Cat food should always be o the lower spectrum of carbs and the right percentages to look out for on any food product should be: only between 2.8% and 12%, the fat content should be on average no more than 30% but the protein can be anywhere up to 63% of the overall additives. 

This article will dive into some of the aspects to look at when choosing the right kind of low carb food for your pets.  

Choosing the Right One for Your Kitty

A cat’s natural diet will contain protein, so when you’re in the pet food store looking for their food choice, make sure you check the ingredients listed on the can, packet, or box to see what the animal-based protein content versus the carbs looks like.  

By ‘animal-based’ kind we mean, things like chicken. Pet foods are labeled similarly to our human food, and so the list of ingredients will be according to quantity. If you see something like ‘chicken’ on the top of the list, then you know this is the majority element inside it. 

Feeding them this type of food group also keeps them satisfied for longer which means you won’t find them binge eating throughout the day but rather having their breakfast and them perhaps their dinner later in the day. Keeping diabetes or obesity at bay and keeping your pet active and happier every day.

When searching for this combination on store shelves, look for the following information or at least something like these:

  1. A high animal-based protein formula that has low-carb. If it has an ingredient called L-Carnation added to it, this is an essential nutrient requirement and it helps to promote a lean body weight in the animal. The protein content should be about at least 50 percent if not higher versus the carbohydrates which should by law be 12% or less.
  2. Something that has a fair amount of fiber is a good choice also because it assists in boosting the immune system as well as creates fewer fur balls around the house.
  1. Fish is a good addition to any pet’s meal. If it has DHA or EPA in it, go for it. You can find the best foods here and read through the various reviews of the different products as well before you go shopping. These additives will help them with any inflammation in their system, it also helps their brain and keeps them heart-healthy and strong. This is primarily omega 3 fatty-acid compounds and fish oil that is extracted from salmon, anchovies, herring, menhaden for instance.
  2. Make sure there are low amounts of magnesium and methionine levels which will help maintain their uric acid and keep balanced and healthy urine.
  3. If you opt for the grain-free kind, make sure it has a high moisture content in it, this will supplement any loss of water the cat may be suffering from.
  4. Real ingredients are the best thing to go for. For instance, real chicken in the can is a better option than any dry treat. Some foods also contain beef or liver in it, which is perfectly fine. As mentioned earlier cats are carnivores and the closest food to nature you can find, the better.
  5. if conventional starches are present or any other artificial flavorings or synthetic additives, stay away from it. They may look good but they are very bad for your furry.

Look at these things carefully, don’t just opt for the cheapest one. A rule of thumb is, if a cat product has the label of being a low-card one, it needs to have no more than 12% carbohydrates in it, by regulation. 

Weight management food is always a good option to go for. As mentioned above, avoid meat by-products and any other fillers, and opt for the more natural stuff. Did you know not that many pet owners check ingredient labels on pet foods and if only 20% of the world’s population checks it, imagine how much less do pet owners oblige to this? 

Making sure your giving any of your pet, whether it is a cat or a dog, the right kind of food, and the most natural and purest form of it will save you a lot of trips to the veterinarian.

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