Dog LoversTravel with Dog

Canine Companion: 5 Key Items to Bring for Your Dog on a Road Trip

Nearly 63 million American households have a dog which shows we’re fanatic about our canine friends.  

Road tripping with your pup is a fantastic way to bond, explore new places, and unwind together. Perhaps you’re eager to take your canine companion traveling but you’re not sure what to bring.

Sounds familiar? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here are five key items to bring for your dog. 

1. Food and Water

Once you’ve got a list of dog-friendly locations, it’s time to pack plenty of food and bowls. Make sure you’ve measured enough dry and wet kibble for the trip so they stick to their regular diet. 

You should also invest in a specialized dog water bottle and bowl, so your pup stays hydrated on the open road. 

2. Poop Bags

Earth Rated Dog Poop Bags
Poop Bag

Add “poop bags” to your dog travel checklist as they’re easy to forget. You don’t want to be stuck at a beautiful spot or a roadside stop without them. It’s wise to get a bigger pack so you needn’t worry about finding the nearest pet store on your road trip. 

Read more:

10 Ways to Stop Your Dog from Eating Poop

And don’t forget to bring a leash. Although it’s tempting to let your dog roam free, avoid this when you’re in an unfamiliar area. Your pup may get lost between the trees or get in a fight with a wild animal

3. Dog Bed

Let your furry best friend snooze in style with a comfortable bed. Not only is it a practical solution in the car, but most hotel rooms don’t come equipped with a dog bed. Plus, your pooch will appreciate the familiar smell of home. 

You should also bring seat covers and blankets for your pup to rest on. It also prevents your vehicle from being covered in fur.

And to guarantee dog safety, keep your pup restrained when you’re driving. Make sure they’re not sitting in the front seat or walking across the seats as this is illegal in many states.  

Read more:

4. Toys and Treats

Toys are a fantastic way to keep your dog entertained during the trip. And don’t forget to bring a chewy toy as it lets them ease any nerves. You must also be prepared to reward them with their favorite treats for good behavior. 

5. First Aid Kit

Bring along a first aid kit with CBD to prevent motion sickness in dogs. It’s also handy if you’re going on an outdoor adventure where ticks are common.

Make sure you bring tweezers to remove splinters, eyewash, and antiseptic wipes should an accident happen. 

You should also bring a record of your pup’s vaccinations, which should be up-to-date. It’s important to discuss the road trip with your vet as certain areas may be prone to Lyme disease and the West Nile Virus.  

That’s Everything to Bring for Your Canine Companion

Hopefully, you now know what to bring when road tripping with your canine companion. 

Pack the essentials like food and water, toys, and plenty of treats. You should also bring a comfortable dog bed, blankets, and a first aid kit to keep your furry friend safe. Happy traveling! 

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Richard Hayes

Hey there! Meet Richard Hayes, the big boss and marketing guru behind Pet Dog Planet. He's been a total doggo fanatic since forever and loves all kinds of pups, from tiny teacup Chihuahuas to big, burly Bulldogs. His absolute favorite pastime? Snuggling with adorable puppies—he can't get enough of those cute little faces! Plus, he's totally into iced coffee, chilling in hammocks, and, of course, more puppy cuddling!

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