Dog Lovers

Specialty Dog Foods Really Are a Thing?

It is an extremely interesting concept that for every dog, some kind of perfect and appealing food exists out there. It is because the pet food makers keep experimenting with new ways to increase the number of products they offer. They formulate new tastes for the pet market and owners of dogs to progress through.

Speciality Dog Foods Really Are a Thing
Speciality Dog Foods

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This means there are a different variety of foods available for large breed seniors and a different kind for indoor toy puppies.

However, it is considered that a few decades ago, there was just a simple kind of food available in markets that was referred to as commercial food for dogs, perhaps after the introduction of commercial foods for babies.

Today, we can choose among baby foods, who are young, thin, fat, big or small, as per the requirements. We are also able to choose from specially formulated dog food, those who live outside or indoors. Moreover, these foods also have different varieties of ingredients in them as well as different curative materials. Some foods are also prescribed by vets that address certain problems such as skin and digestion that your dog may suffer from.

The Marketing Of Dog Food For Pet Owners

Furthermore, you may or may not know, but these foods are also marketed well, on digital and non-digital platforms.

The manufacturers also carry different formulas according to the needs of adult dogs and younger dogs depending on their different breeds. For example, some companies use regular formula significantly for all kinds, and some companies formulate their diets of high protein levels and lower levels based on adult dogs, senior dogs, and small dogs. Also, they market it accordingly for pet owners.

In addition, to identify whether your dog’s specialty food is special or not, you will have to look beyond marketing and labeling. Even though labeling and marketing do help in what you’re looking for, you’ll also need to examine the ingredients your dog prefers and enjoys. Along with that, the guaranteed food analysis is also something you must examine and look for.

Also, in the long run, it is the effect and actual performance the food is making on the health of your dog that counts. If your dog doesn’t look or feel better, you must look for other types of food.

What To Look For While Buying Dog Food?

Here is something you should know that is suggested by the Association of American Feed Control Officials. It is a committee of state officials that represents the pet food industry. They study new analyses and suggest beneficial changes in the ingredients of pet food. It happens after a great deal of data collection and after contemplation and debate.

The AAFCO committee suggested that puppies and smaller dogs require proteins and fat in their diet more than adult dogs to help them grow better and have foods that will help with flatulence. However, the micronutrients, vitamins, and minerals, are something that puppies, adults and, senior dogs require in the same quantities.

However, puppies also require more calcium and phosphorus in their diets as compared to adult or senior dogs. So it’s always a good idea to do a bit of research on your dog breed before investing in a particular dog food brand.

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Richard Hayes

Hey there! Meet Richard Hayes, the big boss and marketing guru behind Pet Dog Planet. He's been a total doggo fanatic since forever and loves all kinds of pups, from tiny teacup Chihuahuas to big, burly Bulldogs. His absolute favorite pastime? Snuggling with adorable puppies—he can't get enough of those cute little faces! Plus, he's totally into iced coffee, chilling in hammocks, and, of course, more puppy cuddling!

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