Is Lamb And Rice Dog Food Good For The Dog?

Around the world, our diets consist of many different flavors and ingredients. We often try to find the best daily alternative to the meals for a bit of difference and gain richness in our diet. And this fully applies to our dogs. They are sentient and have emotions as well as desires for better food. Giving them ordinary food might be ok, but you have to consider that they crave better too. Many recipes will entice your dog, among them on the higher end is lamb and rice dog food.

This is a very special type of food for humans, much less a dog. Yet this is available in store for your dog to eat wholeheartedly. It is very delicious and full of nutrients that are not usually found in many other ingredients as a whole. Lambs meat have been very enticing to the dog’s palettes ever since their transition from wolves to domesticated dogs.

Lamb and Rice

Lamb and rice is a very special kind of meal for a dog, as it doesn’t cause any sort of allergenic reactions when a dog consumes it. So it’s very hypoallergenic in that regard. Because many allergic dogs can’t eat chicken, beef, corn, wheat, and other such ingredients. This is one of the safer and high-end delicious foods that you can get your dog.

Pros Of Lamb And Rice


Lamb comes in two different types in terms of dog food. Dry dog food comes in the form of kibbles. Kibbles are more common and they are often presented as lamb kibbles.  These have a longer shelf life than wet dog food and also is less messy than wet lamb. Wet dog food has lamb pates that can be very attractive to your dog. It has a lower shelf life as well as you can’t contain outside of your fridge.

Lamb meals are often used in dog foods. They are the more nutrient compact option and have plenty of extra minerals than normal fresh lamb. Lamb meal can be fed less to your dog and has more benefits than normal lamb.

lamb is jam-packed with nutrients. Proteins, minerals, vitamins, fats, and much more.  This is why they are more expensive than many other types of meats in dog food. Lamb has a game to it. Which is often not liked by humans, but dogs are super crazy about the flavor in lambs and will voraciously eat it up.


Rice is one of the most eaten food in our world and is the staple of food for over half the population in the world. This is because they are high in carbs, sugar, and low in fibers while also being on the cheaper side and comes in large quantities. Rice is the main hypoallergenic factor in the lamb and rice meals in dog food. These have very little to cause an allergic reaction. They fill up your dog’s more so they stay full more often.

The fact about rice being hypoallergenic has been scientifically proven. In the late ’90s, scientists tested how allergenic dogs react to diets. Lamb and rice were the least reacted to and caused 65% of the allergic dogs to have no reactions to it. This is the reason why companies often say rice and lamb don’t cause an allergic reaction to dogs that eat them. But the truth is they cause the least amount of allergic reaction than most dog food out there.

Rice has a few other features that are great for your dog. Firstly, it’s digestive friendly and has shown to help alleviate diarrhea issues in dogs. Although to what effect is not known. Brown rice is high in fiber and has the extra benefits to be the main ingredient after lamb in such meals. And it can be used to keep your dog’s obesity at bay.

Cons Of Lamb And Rice


Although lambs are full of nutrients and have been known to be very delicious. Dogs often gain more weight because of lamb as it has a lot of fat in it. And also lambs are not hypoallergenic actually. They are just eaten less or never eaten at all before you feed them lamb for the first time. So allergies don’t develop in their bodies at first. But who is to say they won’t get allergic later after a few meals?


Rice is hypoallergenic and has a lot of filling nutrients. But it’s not fully hypoallergenic, there is a very slight chance that your dog might get allergic reactions from it. Rice has excess carbs which might be bad for your dog’s weight. They will gain weight faster with carbs. Rice can be incompatible with diabetic dogs as they can raise the blood sugar level. This is very rare for diabetic dogs to have any issues with rice, but there is a chance and we have to be careful.

Other issues

The other major issue with dogs eating lamb and rice is that these ingredients don’t have taurine in it. Taurine keeps the eyes, heart, and kidneys healthy. Its deficiency can be very worrisome. As such taurine is added to rice and lamb meals, you have to make sure that taurine is added in the ingredients before buying rice and lamb meals for your dogs.

Taurine is not just sold in meals as it is a form of supplements that can be given to dogs if their meals don’t have a sufficient amount of it. Taurine can be added as supplements for your dog if your dog’s blood tests show a deficiency in taurine by a vet.

It’s always best to take your vets advice before feeding your dog any food.

To conclude

Rice and lamb is a very good combination for your dog’s meals. This is a more expensive meal variant, but we can always take one extra step for our companion’s happiness. And always remember to get your vet’s approval before feeding your dog any food.

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