
How You Can Teach Your Cat To Use A Wireless Cat Water Fountain

Patience is a virtue. This is one of the most famous sayings that fit right when it comes to dealing with children and pets. Whenever we are introduced to something new it takes time to form a habit. Habit formation doesn’t come naturally, it has to be cultivated gradually. Whenever we bring a new gadget or a daily use machine we need to spend some time with it to get used to its working mechanism. Whenever you are planning to buy a Battery operated cat water fountain you will have to make sure that your cat gels up well with it. Drinking water from the same old conventional water bowls and pots can turn out to be monotonous and unhygienic for your cat. This may kill the enthusiasm to drink plenty of water as required daily. In that case, introducing your beloved tabby with a cat water fountain is a must.

Initial adaptation for using the water fountain for cats can be challenging.

Cat’s basic nature is to be curious just like a baby, whenever a cat is introduced to a new product its reaction may vary according to the different environments they have been in. Some cats are timid and submissive by nature. They can easily get scared when introduced to a cat water fountain, that is where the pet parents have to make sure to make the pet comfortable with the new product. 

Cat’s basic nature

On the other hand, some cats gel up with every single toy they are introduced to. A cat water fountain is designed to entice your feline and attract them toward it. The sound and the visuals created by a cat water fountain are not only soothing to human eyes but also to the cat’s eye.

This process of training your cat to drink from a Cat water fountain can be challenging for its parents, it is a gradual process and requires a lot of patience and positive reinforcement. Here are a few steps that may help you out.

  1. Selecting the right cat water fountain:-  Whenever you are hunting for a cat water fountain in the market you will be confused with several options in the market. Always look for the sturdiness of the filter, it shouldn’t be light in weight, secondly, the water flow should not be very harsh, an easy-going gentle water flow is good and gives a calming effect. Make sure it is easy to clean and should not be food-grade safe material. 
  2. Locating the cat water fountain:- After you get the right cat water fountain for your beloved pet. You need to place it in the right spot in your house. Cats are very specific when it comes to their eating and drinking habits. It should be located away from their food and eating bowls. Also, ensure the fountain should not be placed anywhere close to the pantry or trash area. 
  3. Make the fountain safe and appealing: – After placing the cat water fountain correctly your next step should be to make the water fountain more engaging for the cat. Place your cat’s favorite toy near the fountain. Dip your fingers in water to make it look safe and secure. Place your cat’s favorite smell near the cat water fountain. These steps will make your cat more comfortable and attracted to the water.
  4. Introducing your cat to the Cat water fountain: – This is the most crucial step to make your cat comfortable with the fountain. Initially place the cat water fountain close to the old source of water for your cat. This may draw the cat’s attention toward the fountain and make it feel comfortable.
  5.  Keeping a regular check on activity:- After your cat is introduced to the cat water fountain, make sure to keep a check on your cat’s regular activity. If it is losing interest by any chance try your best to engage your cat’s attention back to the cat water fountain. Sometimes repeating the process is necessary until success is achieved.
  6. Maintain cleanliness:-  Maintaining cleanliness and hygiene draws your pet’s attention towards it. Cleaning the filters, hair, and other impurities like debris regularly is essential throughout this process. Bad odor needs to be taken care of frequently. The foul smell can make the cat lose interest in the fountain.
  7. Reward your cat: – Rewards and motivation is the key to making things work. Whenever your cat sips from the cat water fountain, reward your cat by using the cat’s favorite treat. This will create a positive association with the cat water fountain.
  8. Place it where you want it to be:- After tracking your cat’s progress for a couple of days, gradually you can place the Cat water fountain where you want it to be placed. Once the cat is familiar with the product it will drink water without any hesitation.
  9. Never use the old bowl again:- Once the cat is comfortable with the new battery operated cat water fountain, never use the old bowl or pots again. This may drive your cat’s attention back to it. And may deprive your pet from enjoying the benefits of a cat water fountain. Continuing placement of your cat’s favorite treats is essential to make this transition successful.  

Using all the above steps may make it easy for your cat to adapt to the usage of a cat water fountain. Cat water fountains are essential for our cats, to ensure their overall wellbeing. Some cats are adaptive and some don’t like changes. Every cat is different in some or the other way,  such cat owners should ensure to have patience.  Try to reward your pet after every milestone it achieves. Positive enforcement to switch to a healthy source of water for your cats can only be achieved by not forcing your pet and continuous encouragement.  Eventually, your cat will be comfortable using the cat water fountain frequently.  

Brenda Thompson

Brenda Thompson is an expert in dog behavior with over a decade of experience, and she is also passionate about working with cats and birds. In addition to contributing pet content to, she is a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant. She received her Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) from Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine in 2007 and has over 16 years of experience in treating animals. Her expertise is in educating pet owners on common pet health problems and providing them with option-based care to help choose what is best for their companions

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