5 Tips for Taking Care of Your New Puppy

Getting a puppy is one of the most exciting new challenges to take on. Every day is rewarding, and you can see the daily growth and improvement of your puppy.

But taking care of a puppy is not an easy task. Even though they are adorable little fluff balls that make your heart melt every time you look at them, they are a full-time job, and you have a lot of responsibility as its owner.

When it comes to taking care of your puppy, you should plan out the essential areas of its health and wellbeing you want to focus on and have strategies ahead of time. If you have a solid plan, then it will be easier to stick to it when things get crazy with your puppy.

But don’t worry, you do not have to venture down the route of being a new puppy owner all alone. We are here to help and guide you towards having the best experience raising and training your puppy.

Here are our five top tips to take care of your new puppy.

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1. Get pet insurance

This one you can—and should—do before you even pick up your puppy! Getting the best puppy insurance plan will help you prepare for all the unexpected. Whether it is an accident, illness, getting vaccines, or simply having wellness checkups for your puppy, you will want to have the assurance that no matter what happens, you can afford to take care of your puppy. In general, puppies come with a range of daily expenses in addition to the one-off medical costs that will come up at some point or another. The best puppy insurance will ensure you will always have financial support for your puppy’s health.

2. Find a quality veterinarian

When you have the best type of puppy insurance, you will be able to see any veterinarian you want. So why not find the absolute best? From day one, you should have a veterinarian that you trust, and that has enough experience to care for your favorite furry friend. A quality veterinarian will be able to provide health tips, check for any complications and issue vaccines to keep them healthy long-term.

3. Feed your puppy quality food

Your puppy is constantly growing, so you will want to feed it nothing but the very best. While there is a range of options to choose from when it comes to dog food, it is important to specifically look for food designed for puppies. Find a reputable site that specializes in dog wellness products versus looking at big brand stores. In addition to ensuring that the ingredients and nutritional value are suitable for your puppy, you will also want to check that the quantity of food grows as the puppy grows too. And since you are saving money when you have puppy insurance, you can splurge more on getting them the best food.

4. Train them to go to the bathroom

One of the more tedious parts of being a dog owner and raising a puppy is having to clean up their messes and accidents. So one of the first tasks at hand, when you bring your puppy home, should be to train it on where to go to the bathroom and signal to you when it needs to be relieved. A great way to do this is to create a routine in which they are given the opportunity to go to the bathroom. The times they are most likely to need to go are before or after they are asleep or during a walk outside with you. Find something that works for you, and they will get the hang of it before you know it!

5. Incentivize your puppy with a reward system

Puppies love to be rewarded for good behavior. So from the beginning, make it clear what type of behavior is okay and what type of behavior is not tolerated. You can differentiate the two through a reward system, where they get a dog treat for when they do something good. The key is to be really disciplined, though, as to only give them treats for favorable behavior, no matter how cute and adorable they may be! Consistency with this will make it much easier for you to train your dog.

Raising a puppy is an exciting and rewarding journey. These five tips are just a few of the ways in when you can ensure the experience is a rewarding one. From getting puppy insurance to being disciplined with creating routines and a reward system, you will be fully prepared to take care of your new member of the household.

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