How to Make Your Cat Happy: 8 Things You Can Do Right Now ✔️

Lilly was rescued from a local rescue center. She had been found as a stray and was living on the streets for months before we found her. Now she is living in my apartment with me and my partner, Tom (that’s his name), she doesn’t seem to want to stay inside anymore. You see, Tom is really lazy; he wants all of our food delivered and would rather not go grocery shopping or cook anything at home. As such, we usually just order takeout or eat leftovers from last night’s dinner when we get hungry- which means that every time.

how to make your cat happy

I am writing this blog post to talk about how you can make your cat happy and provide it with a safe and healthy environment. There are many things that we do in our day-to-day lives which might not be so good for cats, such as cooking fish or spraying strong-smelling chemicals around the house. The first step is to avoid any of these bad habits when possible and then try to implement some of the following tips: 

1. Invest Some Time Into Properly Caring & Loving Attention

Cats need a lot of love and attention to be happy, so give your cat plenty of loving attention, and you will have a happy kitty.

Cats are very affectionate animals that thrive on regular amounts of love, care, and attention from their owners.

They enjoy being held and petted as well as playing with toys both indoors and outside in the yard.

If you want to keep your cat healthy for many years to come, it is wise to invest some time into properly caring for them every day.

Make sure they get enough exercise along with proper grooming such as brushing their coats regularly or at least giving them a bath once per month using mild soap without harsh chemicals that can irritate sensitive skin areas on your feline friend’s body like behind.

2. Cat Like Hunting

Please make no mistake, cats are predators, and they are wired to hunt prey. Ensure there is no dangerous animal outside before letting it out so that your cat doesn’t become its prey!

Cats prefer hunting mice and birds but will also enjoy chasing flies or other insects around the house.

Never punish your kitty if it kills another animal because it won’t understand why you are punishing them – keep an eye on where they go when they go hunting!

They hunt because it’s fun, and cats love to bring home their kill to show off! Keep your cat indoors if you live in an area where small animals are native or threatened.

Don’t let them outside when there is a chance they could hunt for fun and be caught by a hungry predator!

3. Catification – A Cat Version of Your Home

Catification is a term that’s been created by the cat behaviorist Jackson Galaxy. It means making your kitty friend’s environment richer and better suited to their personality! You might have seen his TV show “Catification,” where he helps cats deal with behavioral issues in their homes by creating an all-cat version of yours—a “felinity farm?”

Cats like their independence, so it’s important to design a home that provides them with both spaces to explore as well as cozy places for napping or playing.

You can use many elements in your decorating plan that will help you create an environment where your cat is comfortable, safe, and happy! 

4. How To Make Your Cat’s Territory Richer?

5. Get A Comfortable Bed For Your Cat

Cats are known for being picky about where they sleep. Cats like to sleep on soft surfaces. If your cat isn’t sleeping well, it can lead to problems like obesity or even depression in some cases. So you should purchase a cat bed that is designed for cats. 

There are many different types of cat beds available, so pick what suits your needs best! Find out what kind of material your cat likes the most – some cats prefer fleece or wool while others may enjoy hanging around in silk sheets.

The best way to pick out the perfect bed for your kitty is by checking out all of our top choices here: guide gives you information on what makes a good bed as well as suggestions based on what type of material would be best suited for your fur baby’s personality and preferences. 

Make sure you’ve got enough room for your new pet bed by measuring first before ordering online! It’s not fun to have it arrive, only to find out that it doesn’t fit into the space you had allotted for it! 

6. Keep Your Cat Entertained While You’re Away

Cats are very independent animals, but they also need the companionship of their owners. If you have to leave for work or errands during the day, make sure your kitty has plenty of toys and activities to keep her occupied while she waits for you to come home!

We’ve compiled a list of our favorite products that will help keep your feline friend entertained while you’re away from home.

Cats are masters at entertaining themselves. But there’s no reason you can’t help them out with some interesting, new activities while you’re away from home, or they need a break from their usual routine.

7. Cat Litter Boxes 

Cats are known for being clean and neat animals. They groom themselves constantly to keep their fur in tip-top shape. 

A litter box is important for any feline living in your home. It’s the only way to keep your house smelling fresh and give you peace of mind that your furry friend will not be using the sofa as a bathroom.  

8. Ensure a Clean Environment 

Cats are usually very clean animals, but it’s not always easy to tell when they’re in their litter box.

Ensure your cat feels safe and healthy by giving them a clean environment with the best possible materials for a happy life.

Unfortunately, cleaning out the litter box is one of those unpleasant tasks that all pet owners have to do from time to time. 


Cats need a lot of love and attention to be happy, so give your cat plenty of loving attention, and you will have a happy kitty.

Cats are very affectionate animals that thrive on regular amounts of love, care, and attention from their owners.

They enjoy being held and petted and playing with toys both indoors and outside.

If you want to keep your cat healthy for many years to come, it is wise to invest some time into properly caring for them every day.

Make sure they get enough exercise along with proper grooming, such as brushing their coats regularly or at least giving them baths when necessary by using one of our quality products like dry shampoo or liquid soap made specifically for cats!

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