Dog Health

How can you ensure your dog’s health?

A dog is an excellent addition to anyone’s home. It does not matter if you have experience caring for animals or if this is your first time getting a dog as a pet; you must make the wellbeing of your canine companion your number one concern at all times. The following is some helpful advice for anyone who has a dog.

how to keep dogs healthy
How to keep dogs healthy

The best way to keep your dog safe in any situation is by getting the best pet insurance. Also, remember that adopting a dog should always be your first choice if you consider adding one to your family. So you have all the responsibility to keep your dog safe.

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  • Give puppies the first four meals a day between the ages of eight and 12 weeks.
  • Puppies between the ages of three and six should be given three meals daily.
  • Give should provide two meals daily to puppies from six months to one year of age.
  • When your dog reaches his first birthday, it is typically sufficient for him to eat only once a day.

It is best to split a dog’s food into two smaller meals if it is particularly prone to developing bloat or is a giant breed.

You can combine dry food of premium quality with liquids such as water, broth, or even canned food to create a nutritionally sound diet for adult dogs; however, if your canine companion like cottage cheese, cooked eggs, fruits, and vegetables, the combined amount of these additions to his regular diet shouldn’t exceed 10%.

Puppies should be given puppy chow of a reputable brand and excellent quality (large breed puppy foods for large breeds). However, please restrict your consumption of “people’s food,” as doing so may lead to deficiencies in vitamins and minerals, issues with the bones and teeth, extremely picky eating habits, and obesity. Supply fresh water on hand, and wash the dishes used for food and water regularly.


Exercise is essential for dogs because it helps them burn calories, stimulate their minds, and maintain their overall health. Individuals have different requirements for physical activity depending on their breed or breed mix, gender, age, and general fitness level. Dogs that get plenty of exercises are also more likely to avoid the destructive behaviors resulting from boredom. The natural impulses of your pet to dig, herd, chew, retrieve, and pursue can be satisfied to a large extent by the fun and activities that are supervised.


Regular brushing can aid in the maintenance of your dog’s cleanliness and cut down on shedding. You should check your pet daily for fleas and ticks when the weather is warm. Most canines need not be washed more frequently than a few times a year. Remove mats from the coat by combing them or cutting them out before you bathe it. Rinse the skin thoroughly to remove any traces of soap, since else the dirt may cling to the soap residue. 


If you want to carry a young dog or a little dog, you should put one hand under the dog’s chest and then use the other hand or your forearm to support the dog’s hind legs and rump. If you have to lift a giant dog, do so from the bottom up, using one arm to help the dog’s chest and the other to keep the animal’s back end. Never try to raise or grab your puppy or tiny dog by the forelegs, tail, or back of the neck. It could cause serious injury to your pet.


If your dog is going to spend a lot of time outside, you should make sure she has access to shade and lots of fresh water when the weather is hot, and you should make sure she has a shelter that is warm, dry, and covered when the weather is cold. Your animal companion requires a draft-free, friendly, and secluded sleeping area elevated off the ground. Use a training crate or dog bed; inside, add a fresh blanket or pillow. Wash the dog’s bedding frequently would be best.

Registration and Identifying Documents

Ensure that you comply with the licensing rules of your neighbourhood. Make sure that the license is attached to the collar of your dog. If your dog becomes lost, this, together with an identification tag and either an implanted microchip or a tattoo, can ensure that dog is returned to you.

Fleas, as well as Ticks

You must perform thorough flea and tick checks on your dog daily during the warm seasons. Fleas can be located and removed with the use of a flea comb. There are several innovative approaches to getting rid of fleas and ticks. Talk to your animal care professional about these and any other available choices. Please see the Fleas and Ticks page on our website for further details.

Medicines and harmful substances

Don’t give your dog medication that has not first been cleared for use by a veterinarian. Call your local veterinary clinic or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center for information on animal poisons around the clock if you have reason to believe that your pet has consumed something that could be harmful to them.

Castration and sterilization

By the age of six months, both male and female canines should have their reproductive organs altered. For further information, kindly visit our page titled “Spay/Neuter Your Pet.”


If a series of immunizations would be beneficial for your dog. To obtain additional information, kindly go to our website about the vaccination of pets.

Checklist for Dog Supplies Food and treats of premium quality for dogs

  • Platter of food
  • Water container
  • Toys, toys, and more toys, including non-hazardous options for chewing
  • Grooming tools such as a brush and comb, including a flea comb
  • A collar that has a license and an ID tag on it
  • Carriers for Leashes (for smaller dogs)
  • Crate used for training
  • Bed or box for the dog covered in a warm blanket or towel
  • Toothbrush for dogs

Richard Hayes

Hey there! Meet Richard Hayes, the big boss and marketing guru behind Pet Dog Planet. He's been a total doggo fanatic since forever and loves all kinds of pups, from tiny teacup Chihuahuas to big, burly Bulldogs. His absolute favorite pastime? Snuggling with adorable puppies—he can't get enough of those cute little faces! Plus, he's totally into iced coffee, chilling in hammocks, and, of course, more puppy cuddling!
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