Dog Lovers

How to feed dog Chewy dry food and natural foods

Every dog owner invariably faces the question: what to feed their pet? Some are inclined to choose dry Chewy dog food rations or canned food.

feeding recommendations for dogs
feeding recommendations for dogs

This decision is convenient for the owner. After all, there is no need to spend time on the selection of products and the preparation of a complete meal. But many breeders prefer a natural diet.

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Let’s look at what veterinarians recommend principles of feeding in this case. And also, let’s consider what foods are suitable for your pet and in what proportions they should be introduced into the daily ration.

Find more information about dry Chewy dog food to find out which is better: Dry food or natural? 

Basic rules for feeding your dog

Veterinarians remind you not to mix dry, Chewy food and natural foods.

Continuous use of pellets or canned food leads to a decrease in the number of enzymes produced by the pancreas. Therefore, an abrupt switch to natural food will seriously strain the dog’s gastrointestinal tract.

Much of the food is not digested, and there is an increased risk of putrefaction in the intestines. The disadvantages can also include the development of gastritis, flatulence, and other unpleasant conditions.

Whether Chewy Dry Dog Food and Natural Food Can Be Combined?

Veterinarian tips having given up the idea of mixing dry and natural foods in their diet, owners will also have to assimilate another important point. Porridge with a little bone in it cannot be considered a balanced natural food!

In addition to carbohydrates and fiber, the animal’s diet must include vitamins and minerals and a sufficient amount of protein and fat. This is why a balanced natural food diet is much more difficult than a ready-made diet.

Veterinarians recommend following a few simple rules when feeding a natural type of food:

  • Food quantity. It is very important not only not to leave your dog hungry, but also not to overfeed him. Choose the optimal portion will help to observe the animal;
  • Cleaning the bowl after each meal. After food has been offered to your pet 15 to 20 minutes afterward you should remove the bowl. Regardless of whether the dog has eaten or not. This solution will avoid food spoilage and help train the pet to eat on time;
  • Maintain equal intervals between meals;
  • Avoid adding salt to his diet;
  • Try not to cheapen the pet’s diet by replacing quality ingredients with a cheaper counterpart;
  • Variety. Do not train your four-legged pet to only a limited range of foods;
  • Do not forget about vitamin and mineral complexes. They will help to avoid avitaminosis.

This is important: The best solution for owners who are inexperienced in formulating a balanced diet is to consult a veterinarian.

He will help select the right type of feeding, recommend the most appropriate foods, and help calculate their daily rate, taking into account the physiological condition of the pet, its activity, and other factors.

How much Chewy food should I give my dog?

How can I find the ideal amount of Chewy dry food for my dog? It is necessary to consult an expert or carefully observe the animal’s behavior at the time of feeding.

If the dog quickly eats the offered amount of Chewy dry food and the bowl remains cleanly licked up, the portion can be slightly increased at the next feeding. If some food remains in the bowl after 15 to 20 minutes, the next portion should be slightly reduced.

Important: The dog should be watched closely. Many individuals are prone to gluttony. The result is overweight, which negatively affects the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and other systems.

If you gain extra pounds, you should increase physical activity for the dog and reduce the portion.

What to feed your dog

Creating a balanced diet for your pet is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance.

It is enough to observe the proportions of the main ingredients:

  • Meat, meat products should not be less than 35-50%;
  • Cereals cannot be included in the menu in an amount of more than 25-35%;
  • Dairy products occupy 25-30% of the dog’s daily diet;
  • Vegetables and fruits are included in the menu in an amount of about 15% of the total weight.

This is important: Veterinarians remind you not to go to extremes and be afraid sometimes to change the ratio of foods a little.

For example, one day, you can give up dairy products in favor of meat by-products. Or reduce the number of vegetables in favor of increasing the portion of cottage cheese or kefir.

Some products are conditionally allowed to be given to animals, but in small quantities, as they can cause problems with the stomach and intestines, allergies, and other negative reactions: 

  • Milk
  • Raw eggs apples
  • Legumes
  • Potato
  • White cabbage
  • Beet
  • Corn
  • Eggplant
  • Turnip
  • Radish


By nature, a dog is a carnivore. And its digestive tract is adapted to digest meat and meat by-products.

That is why meat should be the main product in the diet of the animal. But there are a few rules which, if followed, can increase the benefits of its use:

  • Give meat by-products and meat only in defrosted form. They can be placed in advance from the freezer in the refrigerator. Another option is to boil foods until they are semi-cooked or treat them with boiling water after the freezer;
  • Calculate the optimal amount of meat for your pet. You should give 15 to 20 to 25 grams of meat per day for each kg of weight;
  • Choose the right meat. The ideal choice is lean beef, rabbit, lamb, or horse meat. Veterinarians categorically recommend pork to give up;
  • By-products are good for the body, but you should not use them as a substitute for meat all the time. Meat should be present in the dog’s diet daily. And by-products should only be used as a supplement, not the main ingredient.

This is important: Meat products of questionable quality should not be given to the dog under any circumstances. If the meat available raises doubts about its freshness, it is better to increase the portion of dairy products and buy fresh the next day.

Richard Hayes

Hey there! Meet Richard Hayes, the big boss and marketing guru behind Pet Dog Planet. He's been a total doggo fanatic since forever and loves all kinds of pups, from tiny teacup Chihuahuas to big, burly Bulldogs. His absolute favorite pastime? Snuggling with adorable puppies—he can't get enough of those cute little faces! Plus, he's totally into iced coffee, chilling in hammocks, and, of course, more puppy cuddling!

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