Everything You Need to Know About Brushing Your Dog

Grooming and brushing your dog regularly is one of the essentials of having a pet. The American Kennel Club recommends that you get a professional to take care of the grooming for you. That’s because they have the essential tools and are trained in the right techniques to provide the proper care for your pet. However, the club also advises that you brush your dog’s hair down at least once a week on your own. Read ahead to understand everything you need to know about caring for your dog the right way.

Begin Brushing Sessions When Your Pet is Still a Puppy

The best time to begin brushing your dog is when she is still a puppy. Order the right best selling pet grooming brush and offer it to your pet so she can examine it carefully before you use it on her. Once she’s familiar with the brush, begin by brushing in the direction of the hair growth using gentle strokes, patting and talking to your pet all the time. You need to introduce the activity of grooming and brushing as a fun thing you do with her. Add lots of dogs treats all through the session with a special hug and praise when you’re done.

Using these strategies will encourage your dog to look forward to the brushing with happy anticipation. As your pet grows, plan the sessions according to the breed of the dog and length of the fur. For instance, if your dog has short hair, brushing two or three times a week should be enough. However, if your pet has medium length or long hair, you may need to brush more regularly. Also, plan the sessions depending on how much time your pet spends outdoors like, say, in the yard. Brushing Your Dog has Several Benefits

1. Use this time to bond with your pet

All through the week amidst work and other commitments, it is understandable that you can’t spend quality time with your furry friend. Use the brushing session to bond with your dog. You can also use this time as a great de-stressor for both you and your pet.

2. Brushing prevents matting

Tangles and matting are more common among pets with long hair. And, the matting can not only be painful but also accumulate wounds, parasites, and infections in the skin below the matted area. You also risk the undercoat overheating making your pet uncomfortable. When you begin brushing your dog, take care to loosen the matting carefully by separating the strands. You can also use a spray-on conditioner directly on the matted area so that the brush slides through the hair more easily. Don’t use water because it can worsen the problem.

3. Brushing will help you spot parasites and other problems

When you make brushing a regular practice, you’ll develop a good understanding of your pet’s skin. As this feature on PetMD explains, in case he has any new bumps, fleas, ticks or any other parasites, you’ll spot them early on and take the proper precautions to rid your canine of them. In case your dog has an injury, scabs, or even bald spots, brushing your dog will help you detect them on time so you can get the appropriate treatment.

4. Brushing keeps the dog’s coat healthy

Dogs need regular brushing so the natural oils in their skin are evenly distributed all over the fur keeping it healthy. In addition by brushing your dog, you will be removing the dirt and dandruff from accumulating in the hair. You’ll also get rid of any greasy buildups and have the coat looking shiny and healthy in no time. It is best that you learn the proper technique of brushing from your vet especially if your friend has long hair. That’s because, in addition to caring for the top coat, you may also want to brush down the undercoat by lifting up the top layers and brushing well underneath.

5. Brushing can boost blood circulation and act like a massage

Brushing your dog the right way right down to the skin can stimulate blood circulation in the skin. Though, take care to use the appropriate brush that can reach down to the skin without hurting your pet. Read this article on CBS Philly and you will learn that in addition to promoting blood flow, you’ll also massage your pet and nourish the hair follicles so the fur grows back healthier and shinier. You’ll also find that it is softer and fluffier.

6. You’ll have less loose fur all over your house and furniture

By removing the loose fur during the brushing sessions, you can avoid having hair all over your home during the shedding season. In addition to the fur, you’ll remove dead cells or dander and other debris from the undercoat and prevent it from ending up on your furniture and clothes. Brushing your dog regularly can be a fun activity and your pet will enjoy the special attention she’s getting. Make sure to be gentle and brush in the direction of the hair to avoid hurting her. For further guidance, it’s best that you get guidance from an expert vet and choose the right brushes.

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