Dog Care TipsDog Diseases

Hip Dysplasia In Dogs: Symptoms, Treatment Options & Prevention

Hip dysplasia in dogs is an extremely common issue, particularly amongst big breeds. However, do not let that hinder you from taking pleasure in the companionship of Saint Bernard or Great Danes or any other big breed out of fear for what the future may hold. This article talks about hip dysplasia in dogs: symptoms, treatment options, & prevention.

What is Hip Dysplasia in Dogs?

The term dysplasia means abnormal growth. It occurs when it loosens in a canine hip joint and keeps the ball at the top of his thighbone from snuggly fitting into the socket in the hip. It might be in just one hip or both. 

In due course, the joint suffers damage from the constant friction this misfit causes. The damage is likely to worsen with time, and the canine often develops other health issues like arthritis. Old age is not much for a canine to experience from this issue. 

Breeds of Dogs Prone to Hip Dysplasia

This is a common disease in dogs, particularly in young dogs, and occurs because of abnormal development of the hip joints. The most affected breed of dogs are the medium and large ones; however, it can also affect the small breeds. This disease can be found in breeds like Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, Saint Bernards, Rottweilers, and Great Danes. This medical condition is normally caused by dog genetic heritage. Studies have revealed that when the dog has this condition, her future puppies have a high risk of having this disease.

How Dogs Hip Dysplasia Diagnosed?

Usually, the first clues come from the vet feeling your canine’s hip on a physical test. Also, you may have witnessed some signs at home. Once you suspect your puppy has this issue, your vet at Bregman Veterinary Group will suggest further examinations, like an x-ray. This test is taken under anesthetic or sedation as your canine needs to lie still in an odd position. 

Also, you may require blood tests, a CT scan, and a test by a vet expert for joint and bone diseases. The primary vet car may refer your canine to specialist clinics. 

Signs and Symptoms of Hip Dysplasia in Dogs

How does hip dysplasia happen? If a canine is afflicted with this medical condition, usually he is born with it, though it might not occur for many years. This disease can show up sooner when a large breed dog grows fast as a puppy or if the dog does many jumping and running on concrete or slick floors at an early age. 

Symptoms to watch for are as follows: 

  • Difficulty standing up after lying or sitting down
  • Have difficulty jumping, walking, going down and upstairs 
  • Choose to sit with both legs together on one portion of her body
  • Allowing you to know it hurts if you touch her rear hips and legs 

An x-ray is the only way to determine dog hip dysplasia. The right age for a definite diagnosis is between 12 to 18 months. Some affected canines do not show any signs at all for many years. 

Solutions for Canine Hip Dysplasia

So, are there solutions to address this medical condition? The answer depends on how worse the issue is. If the dog has a mild case, you can keep him comfortable with moderate exercise, weight control, and pain relievers. 

In a serious case, the best cure for this condition is surgery to repair some of the damage and, at the same time, reduce the pain. In fact, hips can be replaced with Teflon hips, though that is an expensive route, as you can imagine. 

Dip Dysplasia Surgery

Operations available take account of surgery to correct incorrect hip positioning. These are for young canines or canines in an earlier stage of the illness. The vet can discuss with dog owners whether this option is right for the dog or not. More often, surgery is performed to replace arthritic hips in later stages of the condition. The vet can discuss surgical and medical options with you when the dog has this condition.

A THR or Total Hip Replacement is a popular choice. Canines need more special care while recovering, which takes many weeks; however, most canines that have this method have a good result. If you lack money, then this is not the right choice for you. If you need a cheap or affordable operation to eliminate the ball part of the hip, Femoral Head and Neck Excision is the right choice. 

How To If Your Puppy Could Have This Condition?

It is not easy. There are many genes that can result in having this condition. Signs of the illness can be subtle; therefore, only because a parent canine seems healthy does not mean puppies are free from having this condition. It is highly recommended to check dogs of specific breeds for symptoms of this condition prior to breeding them. 

Pet Insurance For Proactive Support

If your pet has been discovered with this condition, it is too late to get it covered by insurance for a pet. But, by looking for the best insurance for your pet at a young age, prior to having a pre-existing medical condition, you are able to properly handle the finances in times of emergencies like hip dysplasia. And even when your canine has been diagnosed with this condition, which is to say, what medical emergency you might encounter in the future. Today is the right time to consider getting pet insurance, so there is no need for you to choose between your wallet and your most loved dog. 


Is it expensive to treat hip dysplasia in a dog? 

Yes, it is very costly because therapies, pain relief, and surgery are expensive. So, make sure to get pet insurance as soon as possible. This must make your canine eligible for coverage should this condition arise during his lifetime. 

Can this condition be cured? 

No, but it can be managed in order for your pet to have a quality and happy life. 


Hip dysplasia is a common health condition in a dog that is becoming more recurrent in due course. It is believed to be genetic, even if the early life of a puppy can play a vital role in whether they experience the illness. Choosing pets from reliable breeders with the right health assessments might lessen the risk of purchasing a puppy with this condition.


Richard Hayes

Hey there! Meet Richard Hayes, the big boss and marketing guru behind Pet Dog Planet. He's been a total doggo fanatic since forever and loves all kinds of pups, from tiny teacup Chihuahuas to big, burly Bulldogs. His absolute favorite pastime? Snuggling with adorable puppies—he can't get enough of those cute little faces! Plus, he's totally into iced coffee, chilling in hammocks, and, of course, more puppy cuddling!

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