17 of the Healthiest Dog Breeds That Don’t Shed

You love dogs and really want to adopt a cuddly canine, but you get sniffles as soon as you sink your face into the sweet, soft fur. Does this mean that you will give up your desire to adopt? Well, then dogs that are hypoallergenic are just the answer for you.

Do you start sneezing soon after you come near a dog, but you still want to adopt one? The hypoallergenic dogs will be your answer as they don’t shed.

Many of you who are very allergic to fur, or just can’t stand picking the fur off your clothes, don’t need to give up on your dreams of being a canine parent. We have prepared a list of the most adorable dogs that are healthy and won’t be leaving their fur all over the place.

So go through the article and choose from the list of healthiest dog breeds that don’t shed, then go ahead and start to pick out accessories for your new dog.

1. Bichon Frise

If you are suffering from allergies, Bichons can be a great choice for you as they are bred to be hypoallergenic. The name Bichon Frise is french for fluffy white dogs and that is exactly what they are, cuddly little balls of cotton. If you are living in a relatively smaller cozy area, then this dog is perfect for you because it is on the smaller side when size is concerned.


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2. Miniature Schnauzer

The miniature type is the most popular among all the Schnauzer breeds in the market. Fans of the Schnauzer breed love these astute watchdogs, easily making it one of the popular healthiest dog breeds that don’t shed. The miniature schnauzers have some serious expression coming from their larger counterparts, just that they are in a smaller package. These companions are pretty fearless, shedding most minimally and they just love a great playtime. So you will be pretty busy playing a lot of fetches if you decide to get this furry little canine.


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3. Poodle

While schnauzers are forming a more versatile breed, all poodles belong to a single hypoallergenic breed. You have a lot to choose from with poodles as they include the miniature, larger standard, and toy version. It is a cinch to train these amazingly smart poodles, making them a very popular pick in the U.S. Poodles can also get the fancy ‘poodle clip’, which keeps the vital organs and joints of the dog protected while in the water, and gives them an adorable look too in the process.


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4. Yorkshire Terrier

These adorable healthy dogs have a lot of attitudes, although they easily fit into the laps and purses of doting parents. You are unlikely to sneeze when you come near the terrier as they have really fine hair with a lot of texture, resembling the hair of humans, rather than any other fur. This aspect makes the terrier a favorite choice amongst the healthiest dog breeds that don’t shed. Although you must beware, this silky-soft hair does need regular maintenance and brushing so that they remain tangle-free.


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5. Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu’s date back to the Tang Dynasty and are also knows as ‘lion dogs’. You will easily be able to understand just by taking a look, why even royalties were won over once by this breeds friendly and charming persona, and looks. You need to have a fair amount of upkeep if you choose to have this dog, as their hair grows long naturally. Hence it would pay to know a good groomer and to get your pup used to the idea of getting brushed regularly.


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6. Maltese

When you think of a lap dog, nothing comes closer to the description than this ancient greek breed, which averages around a tiny seven pounds. You can cuddle with these fur babies all day long and you still won’t be left sneezing. This is due to the all-white coats of the Maltese being hypoallergenic. Making it a popular pick from the healthiest dog breeds that don’t shed. You need to first determine how much time you can spend after the maintenance of the pup, then choose whether let their fur grow big or cut it to a soft sporty look.


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7. Portuguese Water Dog

It’s easy for anyone to recognize these fur-balls. That is because these medium-sized dogs were the First Dogs during the Obama term, and they helped put the Portuguese Water Dog under the spotlight. These dogs are a great addition to your household due to their laid-back and playful personalities. This breed is a great choice for you if you live in a small apartment as they adapt well to living in small spaces.


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8. Scottish Terrier

If you watched the Disney classic Lady and the Tramp then you certainly know of the adorable Scotties Terrier. This dog is full of personality and their independent trait makes them excellent choices in the healthiest dog breeds that don’t shed category. These dogs were originally bred for hunting, and they are protected in all climates in their coats that are wiry and weather-resistant. This dog has a beard that appears very dignified and they make for excellent pets for your home.


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9. Giant Schnauzer

The giant schnauzers’ shaggy eyebrows are an iconic favorite for any people, but just because it has a lot of furs, does not mean that it will make you sniffle a lot too. You will need to get a good brush for your dog as this dog does require to be groomed moderately. This breed of dog can grow up to 75 pounds making the giant schnauzer the largest of the three types of Schnauzers. They make for great pets as they are very intelligent and their temperament is very focused on any task you might give them.


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10. West Highland Terrier

The West Highland Terrier is just like all the other terriers, having the same lively and ever curious temperament. The added bonus with this breed is that they shed very minimally, making them a popular pick when you are choosing among the healthiest dog breeds that don’t shed. You will have a really fun-filled time giggling away to the playful antics of the cheerful dog. Their small size makes them easily portable and they are one of the most popular terriers out there due to their friendly disposition.


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11. Havanese

Havanese dogs have a curious and cheerful demeanor with a coat that is long and silky and comes in a variety of colors. If you decide to let their non-shedding coats grow long then carrying them around will make them look like royalty. There are however those owners who want to keep their coats shortly clipped in order to maintain easier maintenance and have more time for playing rather than brushing the coat.


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12. Afghan Hound

These are really sturdy hounds that do not shed, although they require a lot of attentive grooming due to their long coats. This hound was originally bred for the Afghan mountains, which is the reason they have shiny, long hair. If you do not maintain this hair well it can easily get tangled. You can turn the grooming time into a good bonding episode with your hound and it will certainly be worth your time.


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13. Basenji

Basenjis don’t yap and howl like the other hounds, although it was originated to be African Hunting Dogs. Basenjis can be your pic for the healthiest dog breeds that don’t shed as they have hair that is fine and short and sheds minimally. Hence it won’t be a bother at all if you are allergic. Basenjis even can groom themselves as they have a catlike demeanor.


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14. Bedlington Terrier

These terriers have a sweet lamb-like look as they have poofs of fur distinctively on the top of their heads. These terriers will make great partners for downtime as they are cuddly and gentle and they also make great watchdogs. This breed also makes for an excellent show dog as their wooly, curly coat can be styled in different manners to get the picture-perfect look.


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15. Irish Water Spaniel

You don’t necessarily need to limit your search to toy dogs and terriers when you are looking for a hypoallergenic breed of dogs. You can consider Irish Water Spaniels, they love water and belong to the sporting group. The coats of this breed of dog repel the water allowing these natural-born swimmers to hop in and out of the pool all day long. These coats also will keep your allergy at bay.


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16. Lagotto Romagnolo

These pups are small to medium-sized and the wooly canine is not pretentious in the least. They are active without being too hyper, very affectionate, and easygoing, not to mention hypoallergenic as well. This is why they make great companions around the house. This breed is also excellent at hunting for truffle.


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17. Lhasa Apso

This small breed was originally meant to serve as guard dogs at the palaces and monasteries situated in the Himalayas. This dog loves to clown around and taking short brisk walks. Many owners prefer to give their dogs the puppy cut. This reduces the grooming time due to the fur being short and trimmed. You can leave it long too for the beautiful luxurious look.

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healthiest dog breeds that don’t shed!

Brenda Thompson

Brenda Thompson is an expert in dog behavior with over a decade of experience, and she is also passionate about working with cats and birds. In addition to contributing pet content to PetDogPlanet.com, she is a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant. She received her Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) from Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine in 2007 and has over 16 years of experience in treating animals. Her expertise is in educating pet owners on common pet health problems and providing them with option-based care to help choose what is best for their companions

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One Comment

  1. Hey, I like your post! As someone who has allergies, the idea of having a dog is great. But, I can’t have one because they shed so much, and it would be really difficult to keep my home clean without getting all sorts of reactions from my allergies. That’s why I got myself a small breed that doesn’t shed at all! And now, not only am I happy with what kind of dog I have but also with how things are around the house every day.

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