5 At-Home Gadgets You Need for Your Pet

Pet parenthood is a rewarding experience. It can also have its share of challenges, from the difficulty of housetraining to working through any separation anxiety they may have.

Fortunately, there are various products, treats, gadgets and other things you can use to help your pet through any issues that may arise.

Some new pet parents give up when troubles arise, which sadly results in too many animals in shelters. Instead, see if you can use some clever pet care hacks to become a more loving pet owner!

To ensure a happy household for both you and your furry friend, consider these top gadgets for your home:

1. Pet CBD Treats

While not necessarily a tech gadget for your pup, it’s definitely something to consider for your pet if they have separation anxiety or triggers that set them off, such as long trips in the car, etc. Many pet parents find that nothing works quite as well as CBDfx for calming an anxious pup, so whether you need to leave the house and want to help them feel calm beforehand or you’re taking a road trip with them, these treats could be a great thing to have on hand. 

2. Pet Camera

Did you know that there are now pet cams? Yes, a pet camera allows you to watch your pets while you are away from home. I’ve seen them used in many homes for cats and dogs alike. Personally, I think they are a great invention for people who work long days at their jobs.

Sometimes, our pets aren’t the ones with separation anxiety—we are! While you shouldn’t take CBD treats for dogs-as tempted as you may be-you can help to calm your anxiety about being far from your pet by investing in a top pet camera. Some pet cameras allow you to talk with your dog, dispense treats, and more. From Furbo to Wyze Cam, there are a variety of options available on the market so you can put your mind at ease and know your furry friend is perfectly fine. 

3. Pet Treat Maker

If you’re all about providing your dog with the best nutrition, chances are you would love to make them their own treats. The good news is that you can. With gadgets like the Dash-Dog Treat Maker, you can create the best treats for your furry friend, confident about what you’re feeding them, because you made them. 

4. Pet Feeder

If your pet is a little obsessive about their eating and could lose a couple pounds, you may want to consider a pet feeder. Automatic feeders allow you to feed your pet every day at the same time to create a routine that works. It also helps those pets who like to eat their food a little too fast which can help prevent indigestion and vomiting. With portioned feedings, you don’t have to worry about overfeeding your dog or cat, allowing you to manage your pet’s weight. 

5. Pet Tracker

For the pet parent who wants to be able to find their pet should they get lost, a GPS pet tracker allows you to find your pet quickly, should they go missing. Because time is of the essence when it comes to a lost pet, many dog parents invest in this kind of gadget as soon as they get their puppy. Used as a collar, it can make a world of difference by providing you with the peace of mind that you’ll always be able to find your pup, if you ever lose them.

In Conclusion

From feeding your dog better treats to ensuring that you can find them if they ever happen to go missing, there are many innovative gadgets that make caring for a pet that much easier. We know that you want to give your pet only the very best, and these top gadgets and products can help you do just that. 

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