Dog Lovers

7 Exciting Games to play with Your Dog This Summer

A day well-spent playing with your mutt has no comparison. Your dog gets to know about new things in a super-exciting and secure manner. This summer, engage him with certain mind-stimulating games, which has positive attributes on his overall health. It also toughens both of your bonding—couple-up these games with small token rewards for your mutt.  Make use of a dog-clicker or little treats to reward your Fido. Pat and hug him for his great job. You have to be that epitome of patience while making your dog learn the tricks, as their intelligence level depends upon the breeds. Try engaging your other family members to take equal participation. Let your kids enjoy each moment with the four-legged partner. Irrespective of the game types, either out-of-doors or in-the-house, read below the seven exciting game ideas that you can play with your mutt this summer.

1. Peek-a-Boo

How about playing ‘peek-a-boo’ with your lovable mutt? It is an energizing game and refreshing for both of you. It turns better, with more people around. It is also a simple game, where you hide at one corner of your house and call your playful mutt. Once he finds you, give him a treat, as a token of appreciation. Slowly increase the difficulty level by changing your hiding place. And start to lower your voice, each time you call for him. Watch your dog get some fun looking or searching for you.

2. Stumbling block game

Yes! A stumbling block game comes with a lot of fun, and helps in building your dog’s ‘agility jump.’ Create one keeping in mind your pooch’s age and breed. And later, you can adjust to its difficulty level. Re-purpose the re-cycle items that you were planning to dispose of. Build a small ‘jump’ out of the old PVC water pipes, or else milk cartons lying at your attic or storehouse. Sometimes kitchen chairs, stools, or peg-tables also act well. Initiate with one small ‘jump,’ and your hound can keep on moving towards something higher and more prominent in size. Slowly increase the size of the ‘jumps,’ as they require to gauge the difficulty level too. There are many tutorial videos available online, ready to guide you. It is a family game, so involve your kids and enjoy it to the fullest.

Also, make sure your furry buddy gets enough nutrition, with his daily exercise and, of course, loads of attention. Be a sensible owner and try reducing the expenses, without endangering your love and care. Visit the pet shops and conduct a recce over his toys and his treats. Always plan to save big on Pet Supplies so that you can indulge them over more goodies as time goes by.

3. Shuffle the cups

It is an exciting and engaging game that you cannot miss playing with your pet pooch. Keep his favorite treat hidden inside a paper cup, and shuffle the same, by placing these in a line. Shuffle the containers and watch your pooch guess the right one! Motivate by rewarding them with their favorite treat, once he identifies the right cup. The entire game is quite a stimulating one, increasing their mental strength.

4. Tug-war

Tug-war in an apt game to play with your pooch. And most of them adore playing this one. The toys for this particular game resemble a rope. Purchase one focusing on its durability, and not on its look. For instance, if you own a brindle boxer or a pit bull, ask the shop owner to provide you with a thick and twisted rope with tie-ups at both ends.

With the very sight of the special tug–war toy, their eyes start to gleam with excitement. Moreover, this is another sport to give your dog an appropriate exercise. With the aid of this, your favorite mutt gets a grip over various commands and stays disciplined while playing. This mainly involves both the owner and his dog. Thus, their bonding develops well.

5. Track your toy

It is yet another exciting outdoor game for your mutt. Not like the ‘run-n-fetch’ game, this particular one helps them to track the hidden toys and get them back to you. Take his favorite toy or treat, and start walking towards your selected point. If your confused mutt starts following you, repeat your command over him to stay in one place. Or you can ignore him till the time he gets to know that you want him to wait in one place. It will train your pet pooch to be obedient.

Hide the toy/ball/treat and ask him to go and find the same. Continue to shower him with praises, till he finishes tracking the hidden item. Start increasing the level of difficulty slowly, but steadily. Hide the things at those places that are difficult to decipher. Let your mutt make good use of his nose and his head to find out the same. But remember to applaud him, every time he finds the hidden item. It acts as a great motivation for him while he enjoys a new level of challenges. And this entire game increases his body stimulation.

6. Tidying toys

Teach your royal canine to put away with his chewable toys and rubber balls. This particular game teaches them to tidy his place by placing his toys in the right box. Have patience and wait for your dog to find out his toy-box naturally. Once he successfully places them, click or praise him. This way, he will learn of being praised by you for his smart act. Depending on the breed, many start to appreciate the game policy once you lightly tap the hidden toy box. They then quickly drop his possessions inside the treasure box. But for some, you might have to utilize specific support techniques. But remember to shower them with praises and keep continuing till the time he finishes the task. With endless patience, love, and supportive techniques, your pooch will tidy up his play zone in minutes!

7. Chasing the bubbles

This game is both fun, yet simple for your adorable canine. As the summertime peeps in, let your pooch enjoy chasing bubbles at your garden. This way, their body gets adequate exercise and remains delighted for long. Get a bubble-mix that is safe for your little pooches. You will get these easily in pet retail outlets. Step outside your garden and start blowing the bubbles. And watch your pooch chase and snap at the bubbles floating in the air. Have a great time of togetherness, and relish each moment watching him having fun.

Keep playing!!

It is not always that you have to take your pooch outdoors to play. Various ways and means are available to keep both of you engaged and bonded. Introduce a bit of activity in its daily routine. It thus saves a lot of mental and physical issues at bay. Make sure that you get ample time to play with your four-legged pooch, and create memories. Cherish these moments by following the seven exciting game ideas discussed above. Gift your Fido with all the joy of the world!

Richard Hayes

Hey there! Meet Richard Hayes, the big boss and marketing guru behind Pet Dog Planet. He's been a total doggo fanatic since forever and loves all kinds of pups, from tiny teacup Chihuahuas to big, burly Bulldogs. His absolute favorite pastime? Snuggling with adorable puppies—he can't get enough of those cute little faces! Plus, he's totally into iced coffee, chilling in hammocks, and, of course, more puppy cuddling!

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