Dog Lovers

Everything to Know Before Moving With a Dog

In 2019, 45.5% of moves were within the same state while 54.5% were across state lines. 30% of people who moved chose a one-bedroom home while 24% chose a two-bedroom home. 

Summer moves were the most popular with 11.4% of moves occurring in May. June and April were also popular with 10% of movers choosing this month to move. 

The majority of moves occurred during the weekend. 19.8% of people moving chose Friday as moving day while 18.7% chose to move on Saturday. 

If you’re moving into a new home this year and you live with pets there are some things about moving with a dog you should know. Keep reading to learn more. 

Research Any Rules and Restrictions in Your New Neighborhood

Traveling with a dog might seem more complicated but research and planning are crucial to making the process easier for you and more relaxing for your dog. The first thing you should do when looking for a home in a new neighborhood is to find out whether there are any pet restrictions. 

Some apartment complexes or homeowners associations don’t allow pets or only allow pets that fall below a certain weight. Some places charge pet fees. Know this information before setting your sights on a new place. 

Make an Appointment With Your Vet

Before moving day arrives you should set up an appointment with your vet. The vet can suggest safe ways to administer sedatives if they’ll be necessary for traveling. 

Making sure your dog is up to date with all vaccinations before traveling is important too. You can take this time to collect your dog’s medical records so that you have the necessary information to give when setting up an appointment with a new vet in your new town. 

Keep a Routine

The difficult part of moving with a pet is how stressful it can be for them. Change can make a dog anxious and seeing your pet in this state can be hard. 

The best way to prepare your dog for the move is to keep the same routine as long as you can. Make sure that you’re walking, feeding, and playing with them at the same time you always do. 

Keeping this routine in place will make the move less stressful for your dog. 

Update All Contact Information

Another important thing to keep in mind is that you should make sure you update all contact information before your move. If your dog is microchipped ensure that you have the new address on file. 

You should also make a new tag for your puppy with your new address. If they get lost or run off you want the person who finds them to see the correct address on their collar. 

Figure Out Pet Transportation Costs

The dog transportation you use will depend on how far your final destination is. You’ll want to do some research on the process of transporting your dog whether it’s by plane or car. The required paperwork might be lengthy so know what information you need ahead of time. 

You should find out the pet transport cost too. You’ll pay a little more for sending your dog on a plane. Some services can help you with every step of the process so you can focus on getting yourself to your new home. 

Pack Early if You Can

Another way to reduce anxiety and make the move easier for your dog is by packing early. If you pull boxes and all your things out at once your dog will feel like something’s wrong. 

Pack a few things each week or throughout the month so that your dog doesn’t notice too much change. Pack your dog’s things last and make sure they always have a couple of their toys at hand for playtime. 

Spend Extra Time With Your Dog

As moving day approaches, plan some extra playtime for your dog. Take them to the park more often, schedule a day at their favorite doggy beach, and cuddle with them every chance you get.  

The more attention you give your dog the better. This will help ease their anxiety about any upcoming changes. Seeing you pack up your things and leaving home might confuse your dog so this quality time will assure them that you’ll always be by their side. 

Let them Explore Your New Place

Once you finally make it to your new home give your dog some time to adjust. Let them explore so they can get accustomed to their new home. 

Taking them on walks in the new neighborhood is a great way to meet your new neighbors and their dogs. Show your dog your new yard where you’ll play fetch and have puppy playdates. 

Inside your home, let your dog sniff around as much as they need. This will get them used to the idea of this being their new home. 

Create a Sense of Familiarity

Another thing you should know before moving into your new home is that your dog will feel more comfortable with familiar items. Before letting your dog into the house it’s a good idea to set up their toys, bowls, and bed. 

Setting up these familiar items in their new place will help your dog become more acquainted with the new place and make the transition easier. 

Tips for Moving With a Dog You Should Follow

Moving with a dog can be stressful but if you’re well informed ahead of time, the process will be easy. Make things comfortable and stress-free for your dog by keeping their routine and packing early. 

If you found this article useful make sure to check out some of our other dog-related blogs on the site.

Richard Hayes

Hey there! Meet Richard Hayes, the big boss and marketing guru behind Pet Dog Planet. He's been a total doggo fanatic since forever and loves all kinds of pups, from tiny teacup Chihuahuas to big, burly Bulldogs. His absolute favorite pastime? Snuggling with adorable puppies—he can't get enough of those cute little faces! Plus, he's totally into iced coffee, chilling in hammocks, and, of course, more puppy cuddling!

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