Dog Lovers

7 Effective Tips to Train Your Horse

Horses are such beautiful and majestic beings, so much so that they are one of the animals that have always been associated with fairytales and myths. They are also very loyal and wonderful companions but developing a bond with a horse takes time.

Here are 7 tips on better and effective ways to train your horse

1. Develop A Bond

Your horse needs to trust you before the training begins. Spend time with him, feed him and let him know you are here to take care of him. Horses are very sensitive beings and if you try to rush it, they might feel threatened or scared.

2. Grooming

Grooming is an essential part of having a horse in your family. You need to bath and clean them properly, brush them and arrange the best internal stables for their stay. The horse will be healthier and stronger with grooming being a part of the routine, otherwise, they might get sick or have issues with flies and dirtiness and won’t be able to concentrate on the training.

3. Scheduling

Understand your short-term and long-term goals. Your short-term goals can be for the day, for example, riding your horse for 15 minutes. You can increase the time every day and go through more difficult courses. While your long-term goal should also be defined. It can professional horse riding or any other kind of training. But if your goals and scheduling are vague and weak, your training won’t work out well.

4. Be True To Your Purpose

You are not training the horse to show off. You don’t own a horse to show off. Sure, you can be proud of him, talk about him but him being an object of ego boost is not the main purpose. Don’t lose your goal and training objects in this race of ego tripping. As mentioned, horses are very sensitive beings and they can very well sense if you trying to create a true bond with them or being fake. If you are faking it, it might never work out for you.

5. Let Them Rest

Let your horses rest and keep them in temporary stables. Don’t overwork them thinking the more you train the better it gets. They are not robots; they need a good meal and rest. Apart from this, don’t forget to let them have fun! Training is supposed to be disciplined but that doesn’t mean you take the fun out of it. The more you play around with them, the more you bond.

6. Be Fit

Take care of your diet and exercise routine too. Horse riding is not an easy task, you need be fit and focused for it. The rider has a lot of effort to put in too. If you are in good shape and develop better abilities and skills, you will be able to handle your horse better. Keep a warm up schedule before the training where you can do some cardio.

7. Understand Your Horse

Communicate with your horse and try to understand their needs. Horses are highly expressive, and you can understand their emotions through their body language. Observe your horse and get to know what she likes and doesn’t like. Apart from that, you should also talk to the horse as you would to any friend, to develop a stronger bond.

Don’t give up and don’t be disheartened. Learn from every mistake and be happy about every little achievement. It won’t be a one-day job, it will take time. Every day it will improve your lifestyle, make you fitter and give you unmatched happiness to spend time with your horse. Being too demanding won’t help your training, don’t let frustration get in your path to success.

Author Bio

Emily Davis works at Cheval Liberte as a community manager. Cheval Liberté has been designing, developing and producing stalls, stables, and stable equipment since 1995, Driven by their passion for horses, Cheval Liberté was founded by both riders and breeders and since 2005 this passion has been implemented in the UK, with our North Wales company being the sole importers of Cheval Liberté products for distribution and erection throughout the UK & Ireland.

Richard Hayes

Hey there! Meet Richard Hayes, the big boss and marketing guru behind Pet Dog Planet. He's been a total doggo fanatic since forever and loves all kinds of pups, from tiny teacup Chihuahuas to big, burly Bulldogs. His absolute favorite pastime? Snuggling with adorable puppies—he can't get enough of those cute little faces! Plus, he's totally into iced coffee, chilling in hammocks, and, of course, more puppy cuddling!

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