What are the Top Types of Leads to Help Train Your Dog?

Dogs are man’s best friends for a reason. They are loyal, obedient, and always happy to see us. However, to maintain this friendship, people need to be responsible dog owners and train their dogs how to behave appropriately in public and around other people and animals. This process of training can be difficult but is made much easier with the use of the right tools. 

Dog leads for training

One of the most important tools for dog training is the lead. There are many different types of leads available on the market, each with its own set of pros and cons.

This article will discuss seven of the most popular types of dog training leads.

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Choke and Prong Collars

Choke and prong collars are two of the most commonly used types of leads for dog training. They are both designed to correct a dog’s behavior by causing discomfort or pain. Choke collars work by tightening around the dog’s neck when they pull on the lead, while prong collars have sharp metal points that dig into the dog’s skin. These collars should only be used by experienced dog trainers as they can easily cause injury if used incorrectly.

However, choke chains are one of the most popular types of dog training leads. These leads are effective for training dogs not to pull on the lead, but they can be uncomfortable for the dog if used incorrectly. Make sure to consult with a professional dog trainer before using one of these leads, and never leave a choke or a prong chain on your dog unsupervised.

Double-ended Lead

These leads are the most practical and functional type of leads, as they can be used for a variety of different commands and behaviors. Double-ended leads have a loop at each end, one for the dog’s collar and one for the trainer’s hand. When looking at the double ended lead by Westley, you can see that this solution is both comfortable and functional as these loops allow you to not only tie up your dog to a chair or a pole whenever you’re on a walk but also use it as a customizable waist leash. Everyone who loves hiking or cycling with their pup can find this especially useful.

You can also use this type of lead to keep the dog close to you when walking in crowded areas or during obedience training. The loops also make it easy to change the length of the lead, depending on the situation.

Long Line Lead

Long line leads are exactly what they sound like, a lead that is much longer than a standard 6-foot leash. These leads can be up to 30 feet long and are typically used by experienced dog trainers. They are perfect for dogs that need to be trained not to run off, as the trainer can keep the dog at a safe distance while still being able to give commands.

Additionally, the long line lead can also be used to give the dog more freedom while still being under your control. This is achieved by holding one end of the lead in each hand and crossing the lead over your body. This method is often used by professional dog trainers as it allows them to have complete control over the dog while still giving the dog some freedom to explore.

Retractable Lead

A retractable lead is a lead that can be extended and retracted as needed. These leads are perfect for dogs that need a little more freedom while still being under the owner’s control. The lead can be extended to allow the dog to wander, but if the dog starts to get too far away, the lead can be quickly retracted.

Retractable leads are not recommended for dogs that pull on the lead, as the dog can easily extend the lead and get away from the owner. Additionally, these leads can be dangerous if used incorrectly, as the dog can easily get tangled in the lead or run into traffic. Always use caution when using a retractable lead, and never extend the lead further than you are comfortable with.

Haversack Lead

A haversack lead is a type of lead that can be worn over the shoulder like a messenger bag. These leads are perfect for hands-free walking, as the dog’s weight is evenly distributed across the owner’s back. This type of lead is also great for dog owners that have back or shoulder problems, as the dog’s weight is not placing any strain on these areas.

Additionally, haversack leads are perfect for carrying all of your dog’s supplies while on a walk or hike. Many haversack leads have pockets and compartments to store treats, toys, water, and anything else you might need while out and about with your dog.

Head Halter Lead

A head halter lead is a type of lead that goes around the dog’s head, similar to a horse’s halter. These leads are often used by professional dog trainers, as they give the trainer complete control over the dog. The head halter lead should fit snugly around the dog’s head and should not be too tight.

Additionally, the head halter lead can be used to train the dog not to pull on the lead. When the dog tries to pull, the lead will gently tighten and redirect the dog’s attention back to the owner. This type of lead is perfect for dogs that are strong pullers, as it will give the owner the control they need.


Harnesses are another type of lead that can be used to train your dog. Harnesses fit around the dog’s body and distribute the weight evenly, making them more comfortable for the dog to wear. Additionally, harnesses can be used to attach a long line lead or a haversack lead, giving the owner even more control over the dog.

Harnesses are also perfect for dogs that pull on the lead, as the weight is evenly distributed across the dog’s body. This prevents the dog from being able to pull the owner along and makes walks more enjoyable for both the dog and the owner.

The type of lead you choose will depend on your personal preference, as well as the functionality when having a walk with your dog. There are many different types of leads available that can help make walks more enjoyable for both you and your dog.

Be sure to consider all of your options before choosing the perfect lead for your pup!

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