Most Serious Dog Ear Infection; Symptoms and Treatment

According to research, at least 20 percent of all dogs in the US experience some form of ear infection. Ear infections are common among canines and can cause symptoms such as itchy, smelly, and painful ears that often seem resistant to healing.

There are three types of ear infections in dogs: outer ear infections, middle ear infections, and inner ear infections. Outer ear infections are the easiest to treat, as they typically involve inflammation accompanied by a bad odor and waxy discharge. However, if left untreated, infections can spread deeper into the ear. Middle and inner ear infections are more severe and can lead to complications such as deafness, vestibular disease, or even facial paralysis.

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Causes of dog ear infection

Dog ear infection is mostly caused by bacteria or yeast. Since canine’s ears are vertical rather than horizontal, they are prone to retaining debris and moisture in their canal. Some of the factors that may also contribute to the development of dog ear infections include ear mites, foreign bodies, excessive hair, moisture or wax, and hypothyroidism.

Dog ear infection symptoms

Since ear canals are one of the most sensitive parts of the body, the symptoms of an ear infection are often very clear. Some of the symptoms of dog ear infection include:

» Scratching of the ear or the area around the ear.

» Hair loss around the ear.

» Swelling around the ears.

» A brown, yellow, or bloody discharge.

» Crusts or crabs inside the outer ear.

» Loss of balance.

» Walking in circles.

» Unusual eye movements.

» Loss of hearing.

» Redness.

» Odor in the ear.

» shaking of the head.

» Itchiness.

How to Diagnosis Dog Ear Infection?

If you have seen that your dog has any of the above signs, it is very important to visit your local veterinary as soon as possible. This way you will prevent your dog from suffering more and also prevent the spread of the ear infection to the middle and inner ear. A veterinarian will diagnose an ear infection just by examining the ear canal and the eardrum using a magnifying ear cone.

If the dog is in pain, the use of sedation may be required. If a bacterial infection is suspected by the veterinarian, he or she may take a sample of the ear discharge to a laboratory to determine the bacteria causing the infection.

Treatment Of Dog Ear Infection

Most dog ear infections can be treated by professional cleaning of the ear. This involves the veterinarian thoroughly cleaning your dog’s ears. This may be followed by the prescription of a tropical or oral medication to be given at home.

He or she may also prescribe something like tramadol or any other steroid to ease the pain. Most cases take between 10 to 30 days to resolve, however, some cases may take even months.

Treating Dog Ear Infection Naturally

One of the ways that you can use to treat chronic yeast infections is using a raw and natural, minimally processes diet. This provides your dog with the natural nutrition that its system needs to regain strength. You can then use a variety of natural products to alter the Ph of the ear to combat yeast and bacterial infections. You can prepare a basic cleaner at home using 1 cup of lukewarm water with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, plantain tincture, or hydrogen peroxide.

Pulsatilla is very helpful in cases of sensitivity and redness which is accompanied by a yellowish discharge. If your canine is irritable and doesn’t want to have its ears touched, you can use Hepar Sulph. Phosphorus is very good for dogs suffering from cuts and bleeding.

If there are confirmed cases of parasites such as mites to be the cause of your dog’s ear infection, you can use herbal flea powder containing ingredients like rosemary, eucalyptus, wormwood, and rue. These are very effective for removing parasites from your pet.

Prevention Of Dog Ear Infection

Just like any other disease, prevention is always the best option. This involves first identifying the underlying cause of the ear infection. Here are some of the ways to prevent ear infections:

» Drying your dog’s ears thoroughly after bath and swimming

» Removing excessive hair from its outer ear canal

» Cleaning your dog’s outer ear gently with a cotton ball that has been dampened with a solution suggested by

   your veterinarian whenever it appears dirty

» Regularly checking your dog’s ears for odor, redness, or abnormal discharge

Bottom line

Dog ear infections can be very painful when left untreated. Therefore, it is very important to take your dog to a veterinarian whenever it shows any signs of these symptoms. By routinely cleaning your dog’s ears with a gentle dog-approved cleaner after bath or grooming, you will be able to greatly reduce the recurrent of an ear infection.

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