CatDog Lovers

Dealing With A Shy Cat – 4 Practical Ways To Instantly Boost Confidence!

At one point or another, everyone has come across a timid cat. In fact, many people consider cats to be anti-social or even frightened of human contact. 

As mentioned in Smart Cat Lovers, all pet owners have a duty of care and responsibility to their pets, especially those that are vulnerable or sensitive. 

Most people do not realize that a cat’s social behavior often has a great deal to do with their upbringing. Most of a cat’s flighty tendencies arise from their discomfort around people.

Moreover, If a cat has been mistreated or abused, this will directly impact its behavior and temperament.

To help socialize your cat, we will share three practical tips any new pet owner can take to help their cat’s self-esteem and boost their confidence.

When a cat feels more sure of itself, it is more likely to investigate situations, interactions with people and become more playful. 

4 Practical Ways To Instantly Boost A Cat’s Confidence

1. Spend More Playtime

It is very important to set aside time each day to play with your cat. Playtime will help to relieve some of your cat’s nervous energy while also strengthening your relationship with your cat. 

When your cat feels confident in your care, he will be more likely to socialize with you and your friends.

2. Take An Interest in Grooming

Grooming your cat is another way to tend to his emotional needs. As an added bonus, you will keep him fresh and clean, so he will be presentable to others. Just as a massage relaxes a person, a good grooming session can help to relax your cat.

3. Be Gentle & Predictable

Shy or nervous cats hate loud sounds and sudden movements around them. In the same way that a timid person will shy away from social settings, a cat will hold similar fears. 

Try to move slowly and predictably around your cat, as often as possible. This will help your cat to learn your movements and begin to trust you.

Always be patient with a timid cat. It can take a while to help them move from shy to playful and open.  

4. Get family/friends involved

Once your cat is comfortable interacting with you through these activities, you can involve other family members or friends. In the beginning, choose mild-mannered, quiet friends and family who will not overwhelm your cat. 

Limit interaction with young children as they are notorious for stalking cats and intimidating them due to curiosity. 

By introducing too many people too soon, you may set your cat back in training.

Also, keep in mind that you cannot force your cat into these situations. 

Most of the time, your cat will come around in his own time and sincerely enjoy his interactions. 

Until then, remain patient and supportive. Work with your cat whenever you can, and you will both be able to benefit from the results.

Getting a New Kitten – How to Win The Affections of a Nervous Cat

Upon getting a new cat or kitten, most people often envision a cuddly little ball of fur that would be ready and willing to accept affection whenever you chose to give it.   

However, some cats are pretty shy by nature. These cats will often hide and act scared, even if you just look at them. 

It is pretty normal for a cat or a kitten to act nervous and timid for the first week or so after you bring it home. A general rule, though, is the more contact a cat has had with humans, the less timid it will be.  

So try to give your cat a little space and don’t force the issue. Once your cat has become sure of his new surroundings, he will approach you.

Bonding With a Shy Cat

A great and easy way to allow a cat or kitten to gradually get used to petting is to gently wrap your cat in a thick towel, to prevent it from scratching you, and then gently stroke its head. 

Remember to talk softly to your cat as you do so. It is best if you can set aside a certain amount of time each day to perform this bonding ritual. 

Once this is done often, your shy cat will grow to trust you enough so that you can stroke it without using the towel.

Bribery is always another alternative when dealing with nervous cats and kittens.

You could try to offer a tempting treat to tempt your cat to come out of hiding. if your cat is hungry enough to overcome it’s fear and simultaneously eat its treat, then you can stroke it gently, but just do not make any sudden movements!

Remember to never lose your patience and always put your cats need first. Your nervous cat is not rejecting you; their nervousness is simply a protective reaction to something that has given them cause to be wary of humans. 

Both love and plenty of perseverance will often win over your cat’s affection, so try not to give up on your cat or kitten too quickly.


Hey, I’m Amy and I’m in love with my Pets! I have a diverse variety, including 2 cats, 1 dog, 3 rabbits, 2 guinea pigs, a rat, and a beautiful macaw. I love writing about everything pet-related and spending as much time sharing my personal experiences on my blog. 

Richard Hayes

Hey there! Meet Richard Hayes, the big boss and marketing guru behind Pet Dog Planet. He's been a total doggo fanatic since forever and loves all kinds of pups, from tiny teacup Chihuahuas to big, burly Bulldogs. His absolute favorite pastime? Snuggling with adorable puppies—he can't get enough of those cute little faces! Plus, he's totally into iced coffee, chilling in hammocks, and, of course, more puppy cuddling!

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