Coronavirus (COVID-19): Advice for Animal Owners

During these critical times which are floating like dark clouds around the whole world and affecting everyone and everything as the epidemic is known to us as ‘’COVID-19’’.

At this moment every single one of us is extremely worried, panicked, and stressed but not just for ourselves also for our family members, friends, neighbors, and amongst them, there is also a very big part and inseparable family member, companion or pet. Name them in whatever name you want.

For who’s health and safety we’re anxious about, but Why? How? What is it?  A lot of queries are running around inside our minds. Among them, the most highlighting questions are, ‘’Will this pandemic affect our precious pets too?’’. Well in this article we’ll discuss and cover all this and more. 

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COVID-19 and animals

There is very little amount of evidence say that our pets have any contribution in spreading COVID-19 to us humans or any other animals however as it is a new newly discovered disease, with a lot of unanswered questions scientists around are researching on it 24/7 to acquire more knowledge about it to answer them.

First of all, we all know a thing or two about Coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) which is caused by SARS-CoV-2. Well, it is said that its origin is from bats, for which our concern rises whether other animals will be affected because of it or not? Coronaviruses are a vast household of viruses thus every type is different from another, some cause diseases to humans, some to farm animals, and others may cause to wild or sea animals.

So further studies show that some Coronaviruses that are in animals can be transmitted to humans such as SARS and MERS viruses, which is similar to the issue we have now with COVID-19. Although right at the moment the evidence shows that it is being transmitted from a person to another. Thus saying the danger of animals spreading COVID-19 to humans is very little, whether it is our pets or livestock animals.  WORLD ORGANIZATION FOR ANIMAL HEALTH stated earlier this year that ‘’There is no evidence that dogs or cats are playing role in the spread of this human disease’’.  But is it the same when it’s vice versa? 

According to CDC, there have been reports of some house pets including cats and dogs being infected, as they were in close contact with COVID-19 patients. One of the incidents that are still being investigated for further information is that of a 4-year-old tiger called ‘ Nadia’  at a zoo in New York City reported to be infected by one of the personal taking care of it was already sick with COVID-19. Thus we can conclude that humans who have COVID-19 can transmit this disease to animals, still, there is a lot more research needed to be conducted to have a clearer picture of the situation. 

Due to this on the other side, the concern for livestock and farm animals is rising, as farm owners or any other person dealing with animals may already carry the virus without showing any signs of an illness can be very alarming for everyone including consumers. As the farms are located in faraway locations, thus the farm owners can be isolated from the world becoming vulnerable. So Help from family, friends, and neighbors are needed including with the government welfare services especially if there are elderly. 

Both conditions either pet or farm owners need to gather some knowledge about how to deal with the situation at hand with the help of government guidelines, animal welfare, and social services, as there is a lot of unreliable news and rumors spreading, creating panic among all.

Hygiene and Social Distancing

Though hygiene is a basic daily routine, during this pandemic we need to be extra careful while handling everything whether it is our pets, farm animals, or animal products (like meat and dairy products). Some generalized hygiene measures should be followed thoroughly.

In case of social distancing, we need to pay the same amount of attention to our pets as we do with ourselves.

COVID-19 and My Pet

In this article, we will cover the things like, do’s and don’ts during quarantine/if you’re a COVID-19 patient, your pet and its veterinarian, how to use the time of quarantine to deepen the bond between you and your pets, teach them new habits or train them.

Do’s and Don’ts

Pets and Veterinarians

How To Use The Time Of Quarantine To Deepen The Bond Between You And Your Pet

As the lockdown continues and the risk of spreading the virus is still roaming on top of our heads. We all are stressing and panicking about it so much, we know that our emotions affect our pets heavily on top of that the situation also affects them both mentally and physically. We should make use of this time to deal with all of these smartly.

We all know that we can affect our pet’s ability, so do they, and they can help us overcome the stress and decrease our anxiety, blood pressure, and sugar levels. But also we should be calm and composed and exhibit confident behavior around so we don’t affect them negatively.

Lastly, we should follow and keep up with all the news about this matter, but beware of fake and unreliable news.

Remember to wash your hands with soap and water from time to time and do not panic.

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