Be a Step Ahead by Recognizing These Common Dog Diseases Symptoms

If you know dogs, you should know that just like humans, they have unique personalities, and they experience many emotions in the same way as humans.

Satisfying the basic needs and offering exercise and nutrition adapted to your dog’s breed, age and size are essential steps towards a prosperous and healthy dog.

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Of course, your dog is unable to tell you how it is feeling, but you can better understand its health by observing the dog’s body language and learning the symptoms of certain health conditions and diseases.

Suppose you are worried about your dog’s health and notice that it behaves differently, in the article below. In that case, we provide you with a guide that will help you recognize the symptoms of various diseases and help deepen the unique bond between you and your pet.

Cushing’s Disease Signs

Cushing’s disease occurs when the body’s levels of cortisol are elevated. Cortisol is produced in the adrenal glands, and this production is regulated by the hormone ACTH, which is produced by the pituitary gland.

Several different symptoms can be signs of Cushing’s disease, and it is not certain that the dog will get all of them.

The most common are increased thirst and urination. Also, you can see changes in the coat, hairlessness, and the skin often becomes brittle. Obesity with a large sagging abdomen, increased appetite, lethargy, muscle weakness, and drowsiness are also some of the symptoms.

Cushing’s can be treated medically, but also a natural diet and supplements can help. Antioxidants are recommended as an excellent remedy to ease the symptoms while improving the dog’s immune system. With this, a natural treatment suggestion for Cushing’s is using lignans for dogs, which are the perfect source of antioxidants. Combined with melatonin, the effects can be very positive.

Pyometra Symptoms

The word pyometra is derived from Latin “Pyo” meaning pus and “metra” meaning the womb is filled with pus and, if not treated on time, it can easily lead to kidney failure, toxemia, dehydration, and in some cases, even death of the dog.

Pyometra most commonly affects older female dogs but can occur even at a younger age, although it is uncommon.

The most common symptoms are foul-smelling, purulent discharge from the vulva, fatigue, decreased appetite, fever, that the dog urinates a lot, and/or has an increased thirst.

Surgery on the uterus and ovaries is usually the treatment advised for pyometra. If the dog cannot be anesthetized or operated on for various reasons, medical treatment may be an option – however, it may not work, and if it does, the improvement is in most cases only temporary.

Possible Leptospirosis

Leptospirosis is caused by bacteria-like organisms called leptospira. Leptospira bacteria infect animals through mucous membranes and skin lesions. The bacterium is sensitive to cold and drought and is a seasonal disease in many parts of the world. Outbreaks are typically seen in animals after periods of heavy rainfall and/or flooding.

The first signs of illness come approximately one week after the dog has been infected. In mild leptospira infections, mild symptoms might appear or disease might never develop. Dogs can also suffer from more serious infections, and in the worst case, life-threatening illnesses can develop. During such an acute, dramatic period of illness, chronic persistent injuries can occur, especially in the kidneys and liver.

In typical cases of leptospirosis in dogs, lethargy, fever, and vomiting are seen. The dog urinates and drinks more than normal and is unwilling to move.

You can vaccinate against leptospirosis. As the bacterium thrives best when it is hot, it is optimal to vaccinate in the spring, early summer, but you can do it at any time.

Clues for Parvovirus

Parvovirus is a life-threatening and incredibly contagious viral disease. It can be spread through dog feces, food, and water bowls, fabrics, and rugs. You must vaccinate your dog against parvovirus because it is highly contagious, and can live in organisms for months.

The most common symptom is that the dog vomits intensely and at times has bloody diarrhea. The dog becomes tired, lethargic, and loses its appetite. Some get a fever. In mild cases, the dog is ill for 1-2 days, and often you see symptoms lasting for 3-5 days, but some dogs become seriously ill and can have fatal consequences.

In case you notice any of these symptoms, you should consult your vet. Do not bring the dog in before informing the doctor’s office as you may otherwise infect other dogs.

If the dog has only had a mild outbreak of the disease (vaccinated dogs can also get it), a few days’ rest and shoe food are often enough.

In more serious cases, admission to an animal hospital is required where the dog is isolated from other patients and given a drip. The content of the drip is adjusted depending on any disturbances in pH, salt balance, etc.

Risk for Hepatitis

Hepatitis is also called Rubarth’s disease and is a viral disease that is most often mistaken for canine distemper. Usually, it is transmitted through feces, urine, blood, and saliva.

The dog’s adenovirus can cause serious damage, especially to the liver, blood vessels, and kidneys. Diarrhea and nausea are typical symptoms, as well as abdominal pain that make the dog not want to move. The dog also gets a high fever and severe fatigue. The mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes may be pale and yellowish, and therefore symptoms of jaundice can also occur because the disease affects the liver and kidneys. Visible bleeding and swelling in the neck, head, or body are also common.

There is no cure for hepatitis. You can give supportive treatment such as nutrition and pain relief. If necessary, blood transfusions and intravenous fluid therapy are performed.

Infectious hepatitis usually has a good prognosis provided that the dog does not have a hyperacute form and end up fatally within a few hours.

Final Thoughts

Dogs can suffer from many different diseases that are usually caused by parasites, bacteria, viruses, and some are even inherited. You can protect your furry companion against many of them by regular veterinary check-ups or by introducing a different dietary regimen and natural remedies.

However, before getting your dog to the vet, you can be acquainted with certain symptoms of diseases that would be useful for you as a dog owner to learn and recognize in due time. This will help you to protect your beloved pet and create a healthier and happier life for your furry friend.

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