Can Dogs Eat Funyuns?

Examining the Safety and Nutritional Value of Funyuns for Dogs.

If you’re a dog owner, you’re likely familiar with the pleading looks your furry friend gives you when you’re snacking on something they want. But before you give in and share your Funyuns with your pup, it’s important to consider whether or not this popular snack is safe for dogs to eat. 

So, can dogs eat Funyuns? The short answer is no. Funyuns are not a suitable snack for dogs due to their high fat and salt content and the fact that they contain onion powder, which can be harmful to dogs in large quantities. In this article, we’ll examine why Funyuns are not a good choice for your dog and what alternative snacks you can offer instead.

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What Exactly Are Funyuns, Anyway?

Funyuns are a snack food made by Frito-Lay that are essentially fried cornmeal rings flavored with onion powder and MSG. Although they resemble onion rings and have a somewhat oniony flavor, there is no actual onion in the dough; it is just onion powder and “natural toasted onion flavor” in the seasoning blend. Invented in 1969 by a Frito-Lay Employee named George Bigner, Funyuns are made by pushing cornmeal dough through an extruder and onto a conveyor belt, where they are then fried in corn oil and tumbled with seasonings before being bagged.

Can Dogs Eat Funyuns?

No, dogs should not eat Funyuns. Funyuns are a type of snack food containing ingredients like salt, artificial flavors, and onion powder, which can harm dogs. Onions, in particular, are toxic to dogs and can lead to serious health issues, including gastrointestinal upset and damage to red blood cells.

Explanation: Dogs have different dietary needs and sensitivities compared to humans. Funyuns, which are essentially onion-flavored corn snacks, contain several ingredients that are not suitable for canine consumption. The high salt content can lead to sodium ion poisoning, causing symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, and seizures. Additionally, onion powder, a key ingredient in Funyuns, is toxic to dogs. Onions contain compounds that can cause oxidative damage to red blood cells in dogs, leading to a condition known as hemolytic anemia. This can result in symptoms such as lethargy, weakness, reduced appetite, and even more severe health complications if left untreated. Therefore, it’s best to avoid giving your dog Funyuns or any similar human snacks and stick to pet-safe treats and foods.

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What Do Funyuns Smell Like?

Funyuns are a popular snack that smells and looks like onions. However, they are made of different flavors and consist of fried onion rings and other ingredients like enriched cornmeal, onion and garlic powder, oil, and salt. 

While Funyuns are safe for humans to consume, they can harm dogs due to the presence of powdered onions and garlic, which are toxic to dogs. It takes about 3.527 oz of onion for an adult average-sized dog to experience onion toxicity, equivalent to one medium-sized onion. 

Therefore, dogs would have to consume many Funyuns to experience life-threatening symptoms. Symptoms of onion toxicity in dogs include vomiting and reduced appetite. As Funyuns are crunchy and sweet, dogs are attracted to them, but owners should refrain from feeding Funyuns to their dogs and find alternative treats or snacks.

What Are Funyuns Made of?

The answer is no if you’re wondering whether dogs can eat Funyuns. Although they contain onion flavor, they aren’t made from onions. However, they do contain onion powder, which is problematic for dogs.

A serving of 13 Funyuns contains 6 g of fat (1g saturated), 280 mg of sodium, and 140 calories. This is an unhealthy amount of fat and sodium for your dog, with the National Academy of Sciences stating that an average 33-lb dog shouldn’t eat more than 14 g of fat per day. Consuming too much fat can lead to health problems in the future, such as heart disease, obesity, and acute pancreatitis, which can cause lethargy, fever, stomach pain, and vomiting.

Funyuns are essentially fried onions. They are made with wheat flour, cornmeal, salt, and various seasonings, including onion powder. Onion is the primary flavor in Funyuns, but other ingredients add to the taste, like garlic and MSG. One thing to note is that Funyuns do not contain authentic onion pieces. They are just onion-flavored snacks with an onion ring imitation.

Therefore, no matter how much you like Funyuns, it’s best to keep them away from your furry friend and stick to dog-safe treats.

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Here are the ingredients found in Funyuns, as listed on the package:

Why Funyuns Are Unhealthy for Dogs

Funyuns may be a popular snack among humans, but they are not a healthy treat for our furry friends. Funyuns can be dangerous for dogs due to the presence of potentially toxic ingredients in their recipe. These ingredients include salt, onion powder, and garlic powder.

Dogs only require a small amount of salt for their diet, and too much salt intake can lead to salt poisoning or toxicosis. This can cause vomiting, diarrhea, extreme thirst, lethargy, poor appetite, lack of coordination, muscle tremors, and kidney failure. Funyuns contain a lot of salt, which is unnecessary for your dog’s nutritional needs and should be avoided.

Moreover, onion powder and Funyuns can harm dogs, potentially damaging their red blood cells and causing severe side effects. Dogs need only a small amount of sodium for cellular and muscle health, and the excess sodium in Funyuns can lead to sodium poisoning, resulting in cardiovascular and gastrointestinal problems, extreme thirst, urination, high blood pressure, elevated heart rate, disorientation, watery loose diarrhea, and swollen tongue.

It is crucial to monitor your dog’s diet and avoid feeding them Funyuns or other salty and onion-containing treats. Instead, choose healthier and safer alternatives to keep your furry friend happy and healthy.

Are There Any Health Benefits of Funyuns for Dogs?

It’s common to think of Funyuns as a healthier snack option due to being gluten-free and free from trans-fat and cholesterol. However, it’s important to note that these benefits apply more to humans than dogs. The ingredients in Funyuns can lead to serious health problems for dogs.

Including corn oils in the recipe may provide some health benefits for humans, but it may cause allergic reactions in dogs. It’s vital to understand that dogs have different biological needs and responses to certain ingredients. Hence, it’s essential to consult with your vet and find suitable treats or snacks for your furry friend.

Overall, the potential health risks of Funyuns, including salt and onion powder toxicity, outweigh any potential benefits. So, it’s best to avoid feeding Funyuns to your dog and opt for healthy alternatives that cater to their unique biological needs.

Related Post: Can Your Dog Eat Onions? Here’s Why You Should Avoid It

Are Funyuns Toxic To Dogs?

Funyuns are a type of snack food not considered toxic to dogs. However, they are not a healthy choice for dogs either. Funyuns are high in sodium and artificial flavors and preservatives, which can harm a dog’s health if consumed in large quantities.

If dogs eat a small amount of Funyuns, they may experience digestive upset, such as vomiting or diarrhea. If your dog has eaten a large amount of Funyuns or if you are unsure of how much they ate, you should contact your veterinarian for advice. Generally, it’s best to avoid feeding your dog any human snacks, including Funyuns, and stick to a balanced and healthy diet designed specifically for dogs.

Can Funyuns Kill Dogs?

Yes, technically, Funyuns can be lethal to dogs if they consume a significant amount. The high-fat and high-sodium content of Funyuns, along with the preservatives, can lead to health problems in dogs, such as pancreatitis, salt poisoning, or food bloat, which can potentially be fatal. Overeating Funyuns or other unhealthy human snacks can cause serious health issues for dogs, and it’s best to avoid feeding them such food altogether. While it’s rare for a dog to consume enough Funyuns to die, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks and seek veterinary attention if you notice any concerning symptoms after your dog has eaten Funyuns or other human snacks.

What to Do If Your Dog Eats Funyuns

While a small bite of Funyuns may not harm your dog, it’s always best to contact your vet and inform them about the incident. They can offer professional advice on monitoring your pup for any concerning symptoms. If you notice vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, or extreme thirst, take your dog to the vet immediately.

However, if your dog has consumed a whole bag or multiple Funyuns, you need to seek veterinary advice immediately. The risk of salt poisoning and other harmful effects increases with the amount of Funyuns eaten quickly. Factors such as your dog’s weight, size, age, and overall health can also affect the severity of the symptoms. So, it’s better to take quick action and consult a vet to ensure your furry friend’s safety.

Identifying the Signs of Funyun Overconsumption in Dogs

If your dog consumed a bag of Funyuns sneakily, it can be difficult to determine how many pieces they’ve eaten and how much you should worry about. However, there are a few common indicators that your dog may exhibit if they’ve eaten too many Funyuns:

Lethargy: If your dog is less energetic than usual, this may be a sign of discomfort and unease.

Vomiting: Excessive Funyun consumption can irritate your dog’s stomach, leading to vomiting.

Diarrhea: If your dog is experiencing loose stools, it may indicate that their digestive system is upset.

Poor appetite: A lack of interest in food is another sign of discomfort, possibly due to Funyun’s overconsumption.

Pale gums: If your dog’s gums appear paler than usual, it could be a symptom of anemia caused by an ingredient in Funyuns.

These are some typical symptoms that your dog may display after overeating Funyuns. However, it’s essential to remember that each dog is unique, and they may exhibit different symptoms. If you are worried about your dog’s health, contacting your veterinarian immediately for advice is best.

Dealing with Dogs and Funyuns: What to Do in Case of Ingestion

If your dog has consumed Funyuns, don’t worry; you can aid them in various ways. To counteract the high sodium content of Funyuns, you can administer 10 mg of Pepcid or 2 tsp of TC Pepto Bismol to your dog to counteract the dehydrating effects. Additionally, it is crucial to offer your dog water to avoid dehydration. Furthermore, feeding your dog bland food for some time is advisable.

However, if your dog’s condition does not improve, or they start exhibiting some of the more severe symptoms mentioned above, you must rush it to the vet as soon as possible. Your dog must receive medical attention immediately and be rehydrated quickly. The worst-case scenario is your dog experiencing diarrhea and vomiting, leading to deadly complications.


While sharing your food with your furry friend may seem like a kind gesture, it’s important to be mindful of the potential consequences that certain foods can have on your dog’s health. Salty snacks like Funyuns can lead to various health issues such as pancreatitis, salt poisoning, or food bloat, which can be fatal for dogs. Therefore, it’s best to avoid feeding your dog Funyuns and other human snacks and instead stick to a balanced and healthy diet specifically designed for dogs. Sharing is caring, but only if it doesn’t harm your beloved pet. So, keep these snacks locked up and out of your dog’s paws to ensure their well-being.

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