Dog Lovers

Best Tips to Improve Your Pet Diet

Humans love their pets. Very few households don’t have animals living in them. There’s a lot of comforts to be had from owning and caring for a pet, and there’s plenty of choices too.

Best Tips to Improve Your Pet Diet

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If we were to ask you what the most popular pets in the US are, you’d most likely go for cats or dogs. But you’d be wrong! The most common pets in the USA are freshwater fish! We can see why people like fish, but let’s face it you can’t get a cuddle off them, and they don’t like to be stroked!

That’s why we reckon dogs make the best pets. Intelligent, loving, and fun, a dog is a friend as well as a pet, and there is so much to gain from having one in the house. One factor you do need to consider if you have or are thinking of getting a dog is a food you will give it.

Dogs need a certain type of nutrition, and they digest their food in a different way to us. One of the most popular choices is to give the dog a brand of dried dog food. It’s convenient and simple, and often cheap, but is it the best food for your dog? We think it might not be, and lots of dog owners agree.

Why Fresh Food?

There is a trend in the USA – and in fact in many countries across the world where dogs are a popular pet – towards feeding dogs with fresh food.

This means freshly prepared food that you either buy or have delivered, that is carefully designed to include ingredients that are both safe for the dog and provide the right levels of nutrition. There are also many people who choose to feed their dogs what they eat. Is this the right thing to do?

The answer is it might be, but you need to take great care. Some food that we eat can be harmful to dogs, it may be too fatty for a dog but fine for us for example, and much of it is lacking in the nutrients that dogs require to stay healthy.

This is why buying specially prepared fresh food for your dog is a better idea, and there are many brands to choose from in a fast-growing market. One brand is Freshpet, and it’s the subject of a Freshpet review that we took a look at for you.

Freshpet is a popular product and there are many different options within its range, but is it the one for you? First, we will say that moving your dog onto a diet of freshly prepared dog food is definitely a sensible choice.

The ingredients in the Freshpet foods are chosen especially for dogs, to provide the nutrients and energy the animal needs to live a healthy life. They come recommended by many pet owners, with some comments that the Freshpet range is top quality, and perhaps a bit more expensive than other options.

Of course, you’re willing to pay top dollar for your pets food, but there’s another choice: do you buy an off the shelf product like Freshpet, for which you need to go to the store and purchase it, or do you subscribe to one of the dog food delivery services, of which there are many? The choice is yours, and we recommend that you check both out before you decide.

The growing popularity of fresh dog food is showing no signs of abating, and Freshpet is among those that come highly rated by dog owners, so give it a go and see how your dog enjoys it.

Richard Hayes

Hey there! Meet Richard Hayes, the big boss and marketing guru behind Pet Dog Planet. He's been a total doggo fanatic since forever and loves all kinds of pups, from tiny teacup Chihuahuas to big, burly Bulldogs. His absolute favorite pastime? Snuggling with adorable puppies—he can't get enough of those cute little faces! Plus, he's totally into iced coffee, chilling in hammocks, and, of course, more puppy cuddling!

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