7 Best Dogs for College Students

Animals are our smaller brothers, and most people cannot imagine their lives without pets. Commonly, people are divided into cat lovers and dog lovers.

This article will focus on the latter type. College students frequently intend to have a dog because this wonderful animal can bring joy, motivation, and improvement of spirits.

Best Dogs For College Students

Many students feel great relief when they simply walk and play with their dogs. However, it’s important to know what dog can suit a college student the best.

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Lauren Bradshaw, a popular blogger and pro essay writer at a custom writing company CustomWritings.com, has already written heaps of blogs that cover various topics related to students, their hardships, and needs. She has also investigated the matter of choosing the right pet: 

“If you are a student and intend to have a dog, don’t be hasty to choose. Although you may prefer a certain breed, not all dogs can provide you with positive feelings and emotions. Some take away heaps of precious time and energy. Therefore, you should check all the variables.” 

We know what Lauren talks about. Our informative article highlights the seven best dog breeds for college students

1. Golden Retriever

We want to begin with one of the friendliest dog breeds in the world – the golden retriever. You can frequently see people walking with this amazing pet. It is playful and can entertain you when your studies are too much and you are about to give up. This quality is of huge importance for every college student. They are very intelligent and kind. You will hardly see this breed being aggressive.

However, you remember that a golden retriever is a big dog. It requires a large space to burn its energy levels. Therefore, you should take regular walks to a big park or to something like that. Perhaps you have a big yard. It will also solve this issue.

2. Poodle

If you have never owned a dog before, a poodle will be a perfect first dog for you. This breed is very smart, loving, and entertaining. It is always up for adventures, is not aggressive, and enjoys playing games. One of the most important differences between poodles and other dogs is the hypoallergenic coat. It means you will hardly have an allergy. This breed may be perfect for people who are prone to allergies.

We want to mention two drawbacks as well. These are:

  1. Regular grooming. This breed has a specific coat, and so you will have to devote a lot of time to grooming. It may get on one’s nerves in time.
  2. High energy levels. Like most dogs, poodles are full of energy, and you will have to walk with them frequently as well.

3. Basset Hound

Everyone knows this popular breed of dogs. They are not that high or long, but they are quite broad. College students frequently prefer basset hounds as their pets. They are pretty smart, are always eager to go out, and their appearance makes you smile even when you feel desperate about your learning problems. 

The main traits of this breed are:

  • They are low-energy dogs and won’t make you go for a stroll with them too often.
  • They like to bark and howl at any suitable time, and it may cause nerve irritation.

4. Shih Tzu

Many college students cannot have big dogs in their dorms or rented apartments. However, the desire to have a dog prevails. What is the solution? Consider a small breed, and Shih Tzu will be a perfect choice. 

Let’s check the most important things about the habits of this breed:

  • Moderate energy levels. The dog won’t make you spend heaps of time going out. Commonly, one short walk every day will do for their exercise needs. It won’t get on your nerves due to the expansion of energy levels.
  • It deals alone. This breed has an amazing habit of getting busy with itself. If you don’t have time to play with it due to your academic tasks, it will easily play without you.
  • Adaptability to your schedule. The dog is intelligent and understands when you need a rest and when you want to play. Therefore, it won’t disturb you.
  • Regular grooming. You will have to spend some time grooming its coat.
  • Weak stomach. This breed has a delicate digestive system, and so you should keep an eye on its ratio. Don’t misuse the treats!

5. Pug

Another small breed is a pug. It’s very popular, and you frequently meet people in the street with their pugs. Although this breed doesn’t seem to be highly intelligent, people choose it due to many vital traits. 

This breed is:

  • Friendly;
  • Affectionate;
  • Loving;
  • Funny;
  • Kind;
  • Playful.

They easily get along with people and other animals. They aren’t aggressive and are always about to have fun if you need it. The main drawback of this breed is its nose. As it’s too small, it induces breathing difficulties. Therefore, you will have to keep an eye on it all the time long.

6. Boston Terrier

This tiny breed also suits college students. It can be easily left alone at home, and it won’t go crazy. 

This breed is:

  • Friendly;
  • Playful;
  • Smart.

It doesn’t shed much. However, it’s overly energetic.

7. Chinese Crested

Finally, you may choose this tiny breed. It will bring you a lot of pleasant emotions. 

This breed is:

  • Loving;
  • Kind;
  • Playful;
  • Smart.

The main con is the hatred of being left alone. It may cause you some inconvenience because the dog requires regular attention.

Wrapping Up

We understand that you may not agree with the list we have described. It’s up to you to choose a dog. We don’t insist, but we recommend considering these seven breeds. They perfectly suit college students and can create the necessary mood and atmosphere to become a successful student. You may be surprised by how beneficial or counter-effective the choice of a dog may be for a college student.

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