How Soon Should You Start Training With Your New Pup?

Just like toddlers, puppies are at that developmental stage where they constantly learn from their environment, socializing, or from formal dog training.

Best age to start training a dog

Getting formal training establishes a stronger foundation and will set the stage for how they behave during their adult stage. By combining adequate socialization with effective puppy training, your pup will grow to be a well-behaved and confident dog.

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In this article, we will not only talk about how soon you should start training your puppy but will also give you some tips on how to successfully train your puppy. If you’re ready, let’s get started!

When to Start Puppy Training

In the past, dog trainers and veterinarians recommended that dog owners start training their puppies when they are old enough to have all of their vaccines. This means some puppies have already adopted undesirable behaviors before they even get trained. It is more challenging to teach your dog to unlearn these problem behaviors than to teach them more desirable ones early on.

According to the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB), puppies who don’t have any health issues can be trained as early as 7 to 8 weeks of age. At this point, they should have already received a minimum of one set of vaccines at least a week before the first class and a first deworming. 

Failing to socialize your pup during the first two to three months may lead to behavioral problems such as avoidance, fears, and aggression. Such problems can continue until later on into its adulthood. 

Training Timeline for Your Puppy

Do you have no idea when you should train your dogs to learn different skills? Below is a training timeline that can serve as your guide.

7 to 8 Weeks of Age

8 to 10 Weeks of Age

10 to 12 Weeks of Age

12 to 16 Weeks of Age

As your puppy reaches 6 months of age, it is entering the adolescence stage in dogs. When it reaches this point, it becomes challenging to train. With this, experts recommend starting training your furry babies as young as possible.

Always keep in mind, though, that training should never stop. Dogs can continue to learn from basic to advanced skills and even cool tricks as long as it gets proper training consistently. Dog training will not only benefit your dog by stimulating its mind and body but will also make your experience as a dog owner much more pleasant and fulfilling.

How Long Should I Train My Puppy Every Day

Besides the age of your puppy, the consistency and duration of your training are also crucial factors. While you don’t necessarily need to train your pup in a set session every day, your goal should be to conduct training for a total of at least 15 minutes each day.

These can be three 5-minute sessions spread throughout the day, and these sessions can be facilitated by any of your family members if you’re not available. It is recommended to train in every room of your house so your puppy will behave and feel comfortable in these places.

In order to have a well-trained dog, you must commit to training your pup on almost a daily basis during its first year. Training should start in an environment with as few distractions as possible, and the reward must be highly motivating in order for it to be more effective. 

Some puppies can be more difficult to train. For such cases, you don’t necessarily have to train them longer as dogs have a limited attention span. You can use a leash and a head collar for additional control until it gradually learns the desired behavior. 

Final Thoughts

Puppies can be a lot of work, so if you find it difficult to facilitate your pet’s training, it is recommended to hire professional dog trainers. Delaware K9 Academy can tailor the instruction depending on the age of your puppy. Aside from puppy training, we also offer private lessons and 2-week boot camps depending on your particular needs and goals for your pet.

Not sure what to choose? Let us help you explore your options by getting in touch with us today!

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