Apartment vs. Home Pets

A never-ending notion is whether it’s wiser and safer to have pets even if you are living in an apartment or if are they only meant to be roaming around the garden freely. No matter the pet you choose to have, pets tend to be the happiest when they are around their owners and they would never sense the difference in various living conditions are they are unable to differentiate that. Surely, the house or apartment you take them first is what they would recognize as their “home”, however, there are still a few ambiguities with the owners considering their health and wellbeing. If you are wondering whether you have provided the best living conditions to your pet, here are all the ambiguities uncovered related to apartment vs home pets.


Check the renting legalities

Nowadays, most apartment buildings allow pets, what’s more, they don’t impose some strict demands as long as the owner pays careful attention to the pet. On the other hand, some apartment buildings impose certain legal regularities to pet’s size, species, and even sound level. This is merely related to dogs. For instance, in certain apartments, the dog size limit is around 20 pounds or 25 kilograms, because large dogs (in size and weight) tend to be agitated in the apartment, plus the living size is limited for them urine smell can pose some issues and dog owners are obliged to take the pets outdoors at least two or three times per day to relive themselves. Small pooches are usually loud and should be maintained during certain hours during the day and rest hours should be respected.

Opt for quality pet amenities

If you wish to get a new dog, and you are into French bulldogs, for instance, the fact that you live in an apartment shouldn’t worry you. First, check the by-laws for apartment or condominium regularities, and if it isn’t specified which pet breed and size you can have, then you are on the right track. Get only the top quality pet amenities even shoes for rainy weather. Landlords ought to compose a contract with clear size, noise, and cleanliness regulations, and impose fines for any damage. Poor food quality could lead to dogs’ smelly urine. Luckily, if you feed your pooch with only quality food such as those found at a Frenchie bulldog store, you won’t have to worry about faulty odor no matter the size of your dog.

The limited space

Cats are one of the most laid-back and adaptable pets in the world and don’t require much care and attention to adapt to apartment living. Also, cats can easily get used to using the litter box so there’s no stress about the smell. On the other hand, a large dog like a Great Dane won’t be an ideal apartment pet due to limited moving space. Many dogs require a lot of exercise each day, especially the German Sheapards or the Dalmations, and unless their energy is under control, they could make a lot of mess and noise in the apartment which could disturb other residents. 

Constant walks

Parrots, guinea pigs, snakes, and other similar pets don’t’ require any walking, however, if you want to keep a dog in the apartment, you need to regularly take him out for a walk. Depending on your chores and daily obligations, this can be an enjoyable or time-consuming activity. Nevertheless, one of the biggest perks of having a pet dog in the apartment is having to exercise him on a regular basis. A dog would get agitated in a small, cramped space, and your priority would be to take him out in order to let the dog do its thing and let the excess energy out. This would also benefit other people in the building as the dog won’t bark or be as nervous.


A plethora of training options

Any pet would somehow benefit more by living in the house. All houses usually have small or vast outdoor areas which gives the pet a plethora of opportunities to roam around freely and not get lost. Even though small dog breeds can easily adapt to apartment living, they still need to get out once a day which isn’t the case when living in the house. Owing a smaller or a larger dog, for example, gives you a variety of training and exercise options because they would be able to run in the backyard and not be limited to a small space. The large breed still needs to be taken out for more fierce training, but that can be narrowed to a weak notion.

Pets’ and neighborhood’s security

Living in a house can bring about numerous security issues. While, on the one hand, having a pet dog such as St. Bernard or Tibetan Mastiff can protect the entire house’s premises from burglars and thieves, they can also scare off guests and not allow neighbors or other people in. Hence, it would be advisable to have some specially designated garden space or secured yard where you can place the dog’s house and have him stay there during the day and let the dog out during the night for protection. Don’t chain your dog, no matter the size or breed, but rather build a special shelter. Your neighbors won’t get frustrated during the day in this matter neither would they need to worry about safety and noise.

More room, more fun

Whether it’s a country or a farmhouse, or maybe a modern city detached or semi-detached house, the outdoor area is extremely beneficial for the pets. Cats absolutely love the freedom, but you should make sure they take all the vaccines and get the appropriate medications against the parasites. When it comes to dogs, it’s a must to seclude the yard with a fence for road protection, otherwise, backyard areas are super fun for the k-nines. Dogs would have sufficient room to run, dig, sniff, chase squirrels, lay in the sun, and be fun pooch.

Pet-ownership options unfortunately do fall down to apartment and house, however, pets require more of your love and care than anything else. By and large, as long as you focus on providing all vital necessities for your pet, they are bound to live a healthy and happy life.

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