A Guide for Leaving Your Feline Friend Alone at Home

Undoubtedly, you want to spend as much time as possible with your feline companion at home. Cats are lovable creatures that provide you with companionship, a sense of responsibility, and fulfillment.

However, work, social events, and personal obligations sometimes take you out of the home. Short periods of time will usually be okay since cats tend to be very independent. But what to do when you need to leave them for longer periods of time?

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Below is a guide for leaving your feline alone at home.

How Long Can I Leave My Feline Alone?

Felines tend to be more independent than other household pets like dogs. It’s common for pet owners to be a part of the full-time workforce, which requires them to be away from home up to 8 hours at a time. Your cat will likely be fine in that time span. They can even be alone for longer periods of time and won’t require as much attention.

However, your pet does require your presence. You are able to refill its food and water bowls and clean its litter box if they use one. They also need some comfort and affection.

Adult felines can be left alone for about 1 to 2 days. After this time, they will have run out of water and food and dirtied their litter box.

Follow these tips for making sure your furry friend is as comfortable as possible during short time periods.

Going Away for a Vacation?

If you are going on a trip that will last for more than 2 days, don’t leave your feline to fend for itself. If you really want to leave the cat at home, get a qualified sitter. Follow these tips for interacting with your sitter:

Provide your feline companion with the care that it deserves by following these tips. Don’t be hesitant to adopt these points based on your unique circumstances!

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