11 Pet Care Tips Your Veterinarian Wishes You Knew

When it comes to taking good care of your cherished pets, having access to accurate information is important. The duty of a pet owner extends beyond the simple act of feeding their animal friends. 

As animals can’t communicate with us verbally, it’s up to us to recognize when they’re not feeling well.

Today, we will talk about 11 pet care tips your veterinarian wishes you knew. Following these guidelines will ensure that your pet has the best quality of life possible and save you money in the long run.

1. Maintaining your pet’s health with regular checkups is essential

Every pet has to see a vet once a year, or twice if they’re getting a little older. If you’re like the majority of pet owners, even veterinarians, you’ve probably told yourself, “My pet is healthy and appears great; there’s no need to visit a veterinarian until they’re ill.”

Nature is not always cooperative, and what starts out as a small, undetected issue may rapidly escalate into a serious health concern for our pets. 

Pet owners may save money and their pets’ lives by catching diseases and conditions early.

It is best to have your pet examined and tested while they are healthy so that your veterinarian can establish a baseline for your pet’s typical health.

2. Animals Require Dental Care as well

Taking care of your pet’s teeth and gums can help prevent a number of health problems, including bad breath. 

Preventing painful, costly, and sometimes life-threatening periodontal disease in your pet by cleaning their teeth daily and taking other preventative measures is a top priority. 

It is crucial to your pet’s health that they get regular dental checkups and cleanings.

3. It’s not always best to rely on home remedies

Unfortunately, not all “natural” or homemade therapies are harmless or even useful for pets. Before you try a new therapy on your pet at home, talk to your vet to see if there is a safer (and more effective) way to do it.

4. Your pet’s litter box habits might indicate their wellness

If you clean the litter box once a day, you will have a good chance of seeing any changes in your cat’s excretion habits, which could be an early warning sign of health issues. 

Let’s say your cat has started using the couch as a toilet instead of the litter box. 

It can be a result of anxiety, a problem with the litter box arrangement and the frequency with which it is cleaned), or an underlying health condition. 

If your cat’s habits have changed, you should take it to the vet.

5. Focus on healthy eating habits

The single most essential thing you can do to extend your dog’s or cat’s life is to keep it active and healthy. 

Check the label for the AAFCO symbol to make sure the pet food you buy is complete, balanced, and right for your pet’s age.

6. Make sure your medication is out of reach

Keep your pets, particularly dogs, away from any potentially harmful chemicals. According to Doctor Ted Cohn, many human drugs, both prescribed and over-the-counter, can be deadly to pets. 

He further adds, “Acetaminophen is very hazardous to dogs, much more so to cats.”

7. Treat fleas immediately

A single flea (particularly if your pet is sensitive to flea saliva) is all it takes to set off an itching and scratching frenzy, even if you don’t see any on your pet. 

According to Doctor Cruz, fleas are probably to blame for your pet’s itching, biting, or scratching.

Fortunately, the solution is straightforward: keep your pets‘ environments flea-free all year. 

You should take your pet to a good veterinarian if the itching persists after that.

8. At-home pet treatment increases the workload for veterinarians

It is more difficult to provide proper care for your pet if you give it the same drugs you use. The most common example is when owners give their pets medicine meant for people who are in pain. 

These drugs are not only dangerous in small doses and sometimes ineffective, but they also make it harder for vets to help dogs feel better while causing as few side effects as possible.

9. Google is not a substitute for a veterinarian

The internet is now a treasure trove of information, some of which is correct. To pet owners seeking advice, it may appear that everyone who has been within ten feet of a dog believes they are experts and are willing to provide advice that may or may not be correct.

10. Behaviour problems are difficult for vets to treat

Have your dog checked out by a behavioral therapist if it is constantly breaking the rules. 

It’s possible that your veterinarian won’t be able to do anything to fix your rebellious dog. After all, this is the reason why there are behavioral therapists and training institutions.

11. Be willing to spend money on your pet

If you think you’ve escaped all financial obligations since you got your pet from a shelter, think again. 

In reality, the cost of caring for any pet, no matter how low maintenance they may seem, can add up quickly.


For all the happiness your pet brings into your home, it’s important to provide it with the care it needs. If you see any warning signs of a health condition, make an appointment with the vet right away. 

The tips in this article come straight from veterinarians who want nothing but the absolute best for your pet

The most essential thing is that you feel comfortable talking to the vet about your pet’s well-being and any worries you may have. After all, they exist to assist you in providing the best possible care for your beloved pet.

Richard Hayes

Hey there! Meet Richard Hayes, the big boss and marketing guru behind Pet Dog Planet. He's been a total doggo fanatic since forever and loves all kinds of pups, from tiny teacup Chihuahuas to big, burly Bulldogs. His absolute favorite pastime? Snuggling with adorable puppies—he can't get enough of those cute little faces! Plus, he's totally into iced coffee, chilling in hammocks, and, of course, more puppy cuddling!

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